27. Project E.N.D - phase 1

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Jackie's p.o.v

When we got back home and the fun few days we had together in spring were over I felt a wave of disappointment. For the first time in my life when I got back home I was sad. I had unpacked silently, told my family I had a fun time and then sat in my room hugging my panda. After that fun day in the park we all changed a little bit. I could feel that my relationship had made progress, Tazia had become sweeter which was so unusual and Tanya seemed to be easily blending in, in our little group. I really did wonder if things were right this way. I had this feeling in my chest. I was afraid of losing this. I was afraid of losing Ethan, of losing all this new things in my life. I think I finally understand my own feelings. I was living my life as a teenage girl and for once in my life I didn't feel like studying. I laid on the bed stretching out and closed my eyes thinking about all the fun moments.


The flowers had started blossoming. As I entered the school yard i noticed that the school gardener had planted flowers. A graffiti on the wall that was always there was now repainted. I could feel spring really taking over.

"Hello girl." Tazia had jumped on my back laughing.

"What are you doing?" I pushed her off and fixed my messy hair.

"Guess what we are doing after school?" She smiled brightly.

"You are going to study and I'm going home?" I asked

"Nooo. We are going to Landon's school."

I figured as much.

"Didn't you say you were going to take things really slowly with him?"

"I am. We haven't kissed, we didn't go on any dates, we haven't flirted...but I really want to see him. But going into that rich people's school alone is not something I want to do"

"Take Dom with you."

"Dom is..."

I noticed her face expression changing.

"Dom is what?"

"Never mind what Dom is, I want you to come."

I was very suspicious, but seeing she wanted to change subjects I dropped it. I was going to find out anyways. Nothing escapes me, ever.

"Alright. I'll go with you. I will catch up with school tonight."

"Yay." She smiled and then pulled me in the school hall.

I pulled out my phone to text Ethan but then I changed my mind.

"You aren't going to tell Ethan we are coming." Taz asked confused.

"No, I actually have someone I want to see there before I see Ethan there."

"Oh my god are you cheating on Ethan?" Tazia stated in shock and I gave her a glare.

"So who do you need to see?" She asked suspicions.

"I can't tell you."

"Oh come on."

"You don't need to know."

"You needing to see someone other than Ethan really interest me. And I know is a guy otherwise you wouldn't be so secretive."

"Don't try to figure it out. I am the one with the observation power here."

"I knew it. It's a guy. Oh my god you are cheating."

I sighed and then stopped her before entering the classroom. "It's something connected to Ethan and I need to make sure Ethan is going to be safe okay? I can't tell you anything more than that."

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