Project E.N.D final phase

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Jackie's p.o.v

The moment the doors were locked I knew it was a moment to panic.

That is if you are anyone else, but me.

 I shifted back in my seat and slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I have the signal jammed, don't even bother." The driver told me.

I sighed. He was right. Smart move.

"So why am I kidnapped? I know it's not for ransom and I know it's not because I'm pretty so...the reason?" I asked crossing my legs and keeping an eye on where he was driving. 

"He said you'll rather ask these type of questions than panic."

"Who said that?" I asked pressing record on my phone. At least I can get some evidence when the police arrests this person.

"You'll find out soon enough." The driver said and then he drove off to the highway. Just my luck the whole damn highway had maximum three cars. The probability of anyone seeing me through the dark windows and calling the police with the license plates was very low. 

Being cooperative was my best move for now.

And then it hit me.

"Is this by any chance connected to Ethan?"

The driver said nothing.

Oh boy.. this is going to get way more complicated.

Ethan's p.o.v

After the fifth missed call I got annoyed.

I know she said she was going to study, but was it so hard to pick up the phone to hear her boyfriend's voice.

Or maybe she was too embarrassed to talk and that's why she ran out like that.

I grinned. That was probably the real reason. Well, guess i will just leave her to come to her senses.

I threw myself on the bed. My heart was beating really fast just thinking about it. 

Ah, I wanted to see her.

My phone rang and instantly I picked up. "Hello?"

"Ethan will you tell Jackie to come home. She's not picking up and she promised she..."

"Wait wait.. what?" I jumped up from the bed. "Jackie left my house hours ago. She got into a cab, that was the last time i saw her."

"She never came home." I heard the panic in her father's voice. "Do you think something happened to her?"

"Give me a second sir. Stay on the line."

I ran to my work desk and opened the first drawer taking another phone out and dialing Tazia's phone number.

"Hello? Who's this?" She answered.

"Hi Taz..." I stopped and realized I shouldn't panic. "Jackie is not picking up her phone, is she with you?"

"Ohy what did you do lover boy? No, I'm not with her.  And Dom is with me so I guess she's at home."


I hanged up and put Jackie's father on. "Did you hear that sir?"

"I am officially in panic mode."

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