14. A day off

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Jackie's p.o.v

When we got home I could finally breathe normally. I didn't waste anytime to find out about the case. We pulled dad on the side and waited for answers. To be short he told us how they managed to get the information then they captured the girl we saw and they managed to find out something more about the criminals. How ever the last part I heard was like a slap in the face.

"Now we have direct contact to your organization Ethan and they want you to go with them and investigate. We have location for contact."

Ethan and dad looked at each other for a moment.

"Can I have time to think?"

"Of course."

As I got to my room I hopped in the shower and started thinking.

The unspoken words were like a poison to me. They meant Ethan could leave and investigate now safely. And if he went undercover with his organization that means he couldn't communicate with me until the case was over. Which could take weeks, months and even longer... Not seeing him or contacting him that long made me aware of how much I didn't want him to go. How much I would miss him. How much it would hurt to see him go and yet I had no power to make him stay. I had no right to ask.

Ethan's p.o.v


I could have answered immediately that that's what I am supposed to do. My organization was my home and place where I fit in. But I couldn't say anything. I thought it through before. I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it this soon. I even hoped I could solve this problem before It became bigger than It is. But going with my organization now and vanishing under the radar I would lose all contact with my family. My friends. And Jackie.

Right now.

After I just told her I liked her. It had to happen right after things started going better.

Was my luck really that bad?

Without an answer I fell asleep.


I heavily opened my eyes. I found it hard to breathe, my throat was sore and my body felt like it weighted a ton. Even while lifting my self up my head was spinning and I felt dizzy.

I couldn't tell how long I stayed in that position until there was a knock on the door and it opened.

"Ethan sweetie, I was wondering what took you so long..." Jackie's mom entered the room and she came closer to the bed.

"Oh-oh." She leaned over and looked into my eyes. Right after that she put her hand on my forehead and sighed worried.

"You are burning up Ethan, where did you get such a cold?"

A cold? I haven't had that since...Kindergarten.

"I guess I will have to stay at home today. You need serious care."

"There isn't any need..." As I opened my mouth to speak I noticed how hoarse my voice was. It hurt on every word.

"Shhh. I don't care if you are my child or not I am not letting you get out of bed until you are better. Now lay down I'll be back."

I felt a twist in the stomach as I never had anyone to take care of me.

"Ugh, there better not be any germs left when you leave this room." Erika passed by and saw me. She turned around and yelled.

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