20. An unexpected surprise

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I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing.


"Good morning. Did I wake you up?" Ethan's voice echoed.

"No, no, I was already up."

"I can tell your sleeping voice. I lived in your house Plush."

"Mhm." I stretched yawning.

"Did you sleep good last night? How's the Panda?"

"He just woke up too."

"Oh he's a male. What do you named him?"

"He doesn't have a name."

"Perfect. He shall be called Ethan. Because no other boy's name can sleep next to you."

"I don't even know what to respond to that. It's too early." I looked at the clock. It was still nine.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but I needed to let you know we have to cancel the plans for today."

I was suddenly not in a good mood anymore.


"It's a long story, but something came up. Can I call you later and explain?"

"Okay..." I am seriously disappointed right now.

"You're voice says you're disappointed."

"Mmmm." I mumbled not wanting to say anything.

"Listen just hug Ethan and it's like I'm there."

I turned around and looked at the panda.

"As if I'm going to hug it pretending is you. You're delusional."

He laughed. "I'm hurt but I'm going to let you sleep now. I'll call you later."

"Bye." I hanged up and then looked at the Panda sad.

"What he doesn't know works for me." I buried my face in the Panda and hugged it.

I called Tazia later that morning and she came over as soon as I said "if you want to come over I have something to tell you..."

She entered with her hair in a bun which was unusual and she was eating one of my mother's chocolate muffins.

"You know I'm so happy you and Ethan are dating." She said licking her plate. Woah how hungry is she?


"Well we hang out a lot more now and you opened up about a lot of stuff. You changed."

I remembered the change discussion I had with Landon last night.

"Oh my god, did you get that last night?" She aimed for the Panda and I pushed her on the ground.

"Why did you do that?" She said rubbing her butt and trying to get up.

"Don't touch my Panda with your filthy fingers."

She burst laughing and then climbed the bed. I still kept the toy in my arms just in case.

"Did you got that from Ethan, is that why you won't let me touch it."

I blushed.

"I told you why I won't let you touch it."

"That panda is adorable. Though I do have a suggestion."

"Hm? About what?"

"Let me smell the panda."

"No way."

"I'm not going to touch it just smell it."

I lowered the panda and she smelled it.

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