12. One step closer to the start line

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I made this especially long for those who actually read it ♥ :*

Thank you for sticking with the story so far

Ethan’s p.o.v

“What a lovely house.”

“Lovely place.”

“Lovely mother.”

“Just like her lovely daughter.” The twins finished together and entered Jackie’s house.

“You guys are so creepy. But in a cool way” Erika showed up and grinned at them.

“Erika be nice to our guests and take their coats.” Mrs. Summers closed the door behind them and walked in the kitchen.

“Make yourself at home. The kitchen is that way.” I told them and they suddenly started chuckling.

“What is it now?”

“It’s just adorable.”

“Totally adorable.”

“What?” I asked confused.

“How you and Jackie both opened the door like the hosts.”

“And you looked like you have taken quite a liking to the place since you act like you live here.”

“I do live here.”

“That’s not what we meant.” They added and headed towards the kitchen.

Somewhere in the middle of the dinner Jackie’s dad pulled us both outside to tell us something.

“So the FBI got a video call this morning. They were from your organization Ethan.”

I listened carefully.

“Looks like the criminals already have a lead that you were working there and trashed your house. Now he didn’t know that you were in hiding with me so he just assumed that you were hiding somewhere. In case, he mentioned that if you were in contact with anyone from the FBI, was to tell you that everyone is fine and they are taking extreme mesures to find the ones who broke in your facility. They mentioned a building in a town not far from here. They are going to leave some information there. We are going to go there this weekend with the FBI to check it out but we can’t know who else who’d be there so I can’t take you.”

“But Dad he is..”

“I understand.” I nodded my head cutting of Jackie. “There is not much I can do anyway.”

“Smart answer.” He tapped my shoulder and then got inside. I sat down on the bench and Jackie was quick to follow.

There was a long silence but my thoughts were everywhere but in reality.

“You are thinking how one mistake could lead into a whole bunch of other problems and you are blaming yourself for all of it.”

I looked at Jackie as she got inside my head.

“I can tell by the look on your face. You think your poker face can hide anything but I have few tricks.” She smiled and rubbed her shoulders to keep warm. “I know that you hate feeling helpless and you feel trapped that you have to do what everyone is telling you but maybe it’s a good thing so far. Let dad take care of this.”

I looked at her and sighed. “I…It’s not easy to just pretend the problem isn’t there. And in my cases I never leaned on someone. You have your dad to protect you from some things but I didn’t. I’ve seen things…Cases you could have nightmares forever from them. It made me want to never care about anything just so I don’t feel like that while investigating.”

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