23. On school grounds

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Jackie's p.o.v

I was beginning to understand why Ethan didn't like this guy. He was always prying into our business.

"Andy..." That was the first time I had heard Ethan say his name. The tone he used was threatening.

"Now, now...Don't get upset Ethan. I just wanted to say hi."

I was tired of always letting this get out of hand. "Ah men, I wish I could have fewer classes like you and leave so I can spend time with my girlfriend."

Ethan started letting out that bad vibe again. I pushed Ethan slightly on the side and stood before Andy.

"I'm sorry, it seems to me then whenever we encounter you Ethan becomes really moody, and I don't appreciate that since you are deliberately poking him. As much as I would leave this matter to Ethan since it's not my business I just cant because you involve me every time , so please make this easier for me and tell me what do you get out of this?"

Andy looked taken back a little and then smiled. " Woah this is the first time you've talked to me this much."

"smiling to ease the tension, ignoring my question, you are deliberately avoiding the subject, why?"

"What?" He lifted his hands confused.

"Ever since I met you, you are trying to act nice, get on my good side but poking Ethan trying to make him angry. Is your intention to make him suspect me and break up with me so you can get some revenge on him? Because that is like the most usable plausible theory I can conduct right now."

"What are you, some sort of an FBI agent?" Andy asked slowly dropping his sweet act.

"My father is and I was planning on becoming one." I walked one step closer pushing him roughly on the wall putting my hand on one side of his head.

"You're going to tell me right now, what are your intentions."

"Hey, take it easy I was just..."

"Now." I yelled and that seemed to shut him up. He suddenly looked angry.

"Well then maybe you should ask your boyfriend. Or is he going to keep lying to you."

"Lie?" I looked at his suspiciously. "As if I'm going to fall for that."

Suddenly his eyes flared up.

"He's the one that ruined my life," As he yelled I out my hand away and in the same moment Andy calmed down and smiled.

"Just ask him, as his girlfriend I'm sure he'll tell you his side of the story." With that he left and I was left standing there In awkward silence with Ethan.

I turned towards him. He stared at me with his hands in his pockets blankly starring at me.

"What you did just now was pretty hot."

Ahhhh, I knew that would be his answer.

"And also you said you WAS planning on becoming an FBI agent? Oh right, my agency is the goal now."

I stayed quiet.

"They are still reviewing your CV."


"You will stand there quietly until I tell you everything right?"

"Any place we can talk?" I asked crossing my arms.


Unwillingly he led me outside towards the gym.

"No one is using it for this class so we have time to talk there." I entered the giant and very well equipped gym.

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