18. Study Date

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Jackie's p.o.v

Ethan didn't leave his room once we were back home. His mood never changed either. I could tell seeing that person Andy made him uneasy but what bothered me he still couldn't open up and share what he was thinking. Well, I didn't expect anything like that on the other hand.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Taz. There was one thing she always did for me when I was in a bad mood weather I liked it or not.

"How did the date go?" She answered enthusiastically.

"It was great until someone spoiled it."

"What? Who is that person, give me their home address and I swear..."

"I don't know his home address."


"One of Ethan's friends...or not..he didn't look like his friend but he is someone that went to school with him."

"I can tell he is an asshole, interrupting a date like that. Who does he think he is..."

She went on and on about something in Italian.

"So the reason why I'm calling you, is the upcoming exams..."

She cut me off.

"Uh, no, really Jackie?"

"Study date."

She stopped. "Study date? You mean as in...study date?"

She pronounced it like it was a big secret.


"I'll be right over."

An hour later everyone was at my doorstep. They all had snacks and the twins brought a cheesecake.

"What is this?" My sister asked annoyed.

"Study date." Me and Tazia said it in the same time and laughed.

The thing is, when ever Tazia was in a bad mood and wanted my company but didn't want to talk, or I was the one sulking we always did a study date. It meant we had a plausible reason for coming to each other's house, plausible answer for not talking about the bad mood, and plausible answer for eating a lot of food.

"I invited everyone because we have a lot of exams coming up so we will help each other." Tazia smiled at my parents and they went with it.

"Why are they even here, they don't go to school." I asked Dom about the twins.

"Logan was with me when Tazia called so he insisted they come too."

"With you?" I asked suspiciously. What were they up too? Could it be that?

"I'll explain later, come on now."

We entered Ethan's room and he was on his bed sleeping.

I sat on the bed and started shaking him gently to wake up.

He opened his eyes looking at me and then took my hand in his. I pulled it out because he didn't seem to notice the others in the room.

"Wake up you idiot. We came here to study."

I yelled in his ear and he finally noticed the others.

"I'm not in the mood." He turned around and put the blanket over his head.

"You see Jackie, you are not doing it right." The twins said in the same time and ran towards the bed jumping over Ethan.

My sister is going to kill me if we break the bed.

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