7. The relationship challenge

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Jackie's p.o.v

“So where should we start.” Ethan looked at one spot while thinking.

“Hmm, could you hurry up?” I told him annoyed.

“Give me your hand.” He said and I gave him an unsure look.

“I thought you were in a hurry.” He teased.

I gave him my hand and he took the other one without the bracelet.

“People in a relationship share things. Personal things to show their affection for each other. Since I don’t have any personal stuff with me I’ll have to give you this.” He took off his rubber hand band and put it on my hand. I have notice him playing around with it few times and found it odd and cute in the same time.

“Now give me something yours.”

I thought about it. What exactly can I give him?

“It’s supposed to be something that is personal to you. Has to have a meaning.”

“Does this rubber band have meaning to you?” I asked playing with it.

“Yes it does.”

“Hmm. Wait here.” I went to my room and looked around. I didn’t really attach myself to things. There was nothing I can give him with sentimental value to me.

“Did you find something?” I turned around to see him leaned at the door.

“I told you to wait downstairs.”

“I got bored.”

“I wasn’t even gone a minute.”

“What about this?” He walked around the room and took a picture of me on my desk.

“It’s just a photo. And it doesn’t have any meaning. If we are going to do this, I want to do it right.”

I sat on my bed and sighed.

“I’m sure you will come up with something Plush.”

As he said that I turned around and started going through my plushy toys. I couldn’t find what I was looking for and then I kneeled down and pulled out a box under the bed.

“Mystery box, hah?” Ethan asked.

“It’s a box with things I have to take with me in case of earthquake, flood or alien invasion.”

“I like how you think. I haven’t thought of that.” Ethan came closer as I opened the box. I pulled out this little plush toy panda.

“This was the only thing I could think of that has meaning to me. I’m attached to it so I guess if you want it…I mean I know it’s a toy and you can’t carry it…”

He took it out of my hands.

“This is perfect. I’ll take care of it Plush. Don’t worry.” He winked and then stood up walking around the room.

“Step two. We will do something you like.”

“Something I like?” I never did anything I like with Tazia and Dom.

“Yes. People in relationships do things their partner likes.”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to do the “blindfold food tasting challenge" but Tazia and Dom suck at that game and it’s just not fun when they can’t get one thing right.”

Ethan laughed. “Alright we will do that.”

“But I don’t have anything in the fridge.” Oh man, and I was just getting excited.

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