chapter 7

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Her father's phone rang. Zara looked up from her dinner and watched as he took the phone from his pocket to pick it up.

''What? I'm having dinner.'' He sneered.

Zara continued eating. It had just been seven o'clock in the evening, two days after the boys had escaped. She knew her father and his people were trying everything to find them, but they hadn't succeeded yet as far as she knew. She poked her vegetables with her fork but didn't take a bite, she wasn't hungry.

''What?'' Her father's voice suddenly softened.

Zara looked up again, wondering what the call was about.

''Where?'' Her father pushed back his chair and narrowed his eyebrows.

A predictive feeling hit Zara. Did they have...? No, that couldn't be. Or could it...?

''Get the helicopters ready, we're leaving in thirty minutes.'' Janson commanded before hanging up the call. He got up from his chair. ''We've got them.''

Zara felt her heart dropped as she almost choked on a vegetable. As soon as she recovered herself, she stood up as well. Her father sent her a look.

''Where do you think you're going, Zara?''

''Same place as where you're going.''

He hung his head.

Zara passed him, making her way towards the kitchen door. ''What? I'm doing something instead of staying home. Be happy.''

Her father looked up. ''Fine but- just don't die. It stresses me out.''

''Oh well if YOU don't like it.''

They both left the kitchen and so their not-finished dinner. Zara turned to walk to her room while Janson walked the other way, towards the exit of their 'house'.

''ground floor in the main hall in ten minutes.'' Her father said.

Zara raised her thumb and headed for her room. She wore black leggings and a dark-blue sweater. She quickly switched from white to black shoes and tied her long blonde hair in a high ponytail. Two tufts hung down her face, those didn't fit in the tail. Too short. Then she left her room to head for the elevators.

Surprisingly enough, she didn't feel any fear neither adrenaline. Most likely because five minutes ago she'd been eating without thinking this would happen. It all happened pretty quickly, and Zara found herself having mixed feelings. On the one hand she was somehow excited because the boys were alive, and she'd get to see them. But on the other hand, she was scared that whatever her father was planning on doing would cause them to be caught and taken back to here.

She had no idea what to expect. And that could be either her strength, or her weakness.

She had the elevator take her to the ground floor, for the first time she could remember. When she got out, it was nothing like the other floors. It was a fairly large hall with a reception. She had to go down a narrow staircase first before she was really on the ground floor. People were walking everywhere. Security guards and soldiers, complete in black looking armor and weapons in their hands or belt. Most of them were also wearing a helmet through which you couldn't see any parts of the face. It had a flap that could be lifted up to show people your face, but mainly every guard she saw had the flap down.

After a few minutes of standing at the banister, observing the organized chaos beneath her, her father walked up to her from the elevator.

''C'mon, I'll take you to the helicopter.''

Zara walked next to him as they went down the stairs and headed for an open gate in the left wall. It led to the storage of all vehicles. Cars, helicopters, Berg's and buses. All black except for the Berg's which were grey. On their right there was an even bigger gate: the main entrance. The gate through which the boys had escaped.

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