short 2

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''Are you awake?''

Zara groaned.

''C'mon you wanna see this.''

Zara sighed, opened her eyes and sat up. Her hammock turned, and within less than two seconds she found herself laying on the ground. A head appeared in the opening of her hut. Zara glanced up.

''Morning Love.''


Newt snickered and walked in. A cold breeze came through the opening as well. Newt reached out for his girl's hand. Zara took it and Newt pulled her to her feet. When she stood, Newt pressed a quick kiss on her nose.

''What did I want to see?'' Zara asked while putting on her warm, brown boots. She wore dark blue jeans without rips and a dark grey knotted blouse. Newt wore greyish pants, a light grey shirt and his brown jacket with sheepskin collar. His dirty-blonde hair was messy as always, but somehow never looked bad. It hung over his forehead and some pieces in front of his eyes.

''You'll see.''

Zara got to her feet after putting on her boots, then grabbed her dark-brown jacket with hood from the pole of her hammock and put it on. When she looked up, she noticed Newt's hair being wet at some places, and little white dots were spread. Which seemed to melt.

''What's tha-''

Newt cut her off by pulling her out of the hut. Completely forgetting what she wanted to say, she gazed at her surroundings. Everything was white. Stark white. Zara glanced down to her feet, her brown boots which were covered up to her ancle by the white stuff. She stomped a few times, leaving footprints.

Newt watched her.

After grabbing some snow with her bare hands, realizing how cold it was and throwing it away, Zara glanced up to the greyish sky. Hundred thousand of white dots covering it, whirling down and leaving the earth white. A smile grew on Zara's face. Newt smiled as he saw it.

The two of them started walking down the-what they thought was the path.- The snow cracked under their shoes, a dull sound. Very satisfying. Around them, kids were playing. Throwing snowballs and making snowmen. One of them was surprisingly big, actually, bigger than Zara. It was morning, probably around seven, given the fact it was still a bit dark outside. The cold air burned her cheeks and hands, making them redden a bit. She threw her head back, opened her mouth and waited until she'd catch some snowflakes.

She got surprised by a snowball in her back. She flinched and spun. Minho and Thomas came running. Both of them held snowballs in their hands, Minho only had one, revealing he'd hit Zara with the other one. The boy's faces stood happy. Their cheeks were red, and their breaths created little clouds. They stopped in front of Zara and Newt.

Zara couldn't help but smile. She squatted, grabbed some snow, formed a ball and threw it in Minho's face. He didn't move. The snow slowly slipped of his face, revealing his squeezed eyes. Newt snorted. Thomas stifled a laugh and Zara chuckled.

''Come here you little-'' Minho opened his eyes and jumped forwards. Zara made a run for it, dodging the snowball Minho threw.

''Hey! Count us in!'' A voice called out.

Zara looked over her shoulder to see Brenda, Harriet, Sonya and Teresa approaching with snowballs. From the other side, Frypan and Aris came running. And within five seconds, they were having a complete war with each other. The creaking sounds of snow with their steps, laughing and panting which caused little clouds. All the red cheeks of everyone.

Newt threw a snowball at Sonya, who got it in her neck. She yelped and laughed. Zara joined her and the two girls attacked Newt together. He made a run for it and found Minho, Frypan and Thomas. Now it was Zara and Sonya who were running away, followed by the four boys.

''Jump aside on three.'' Zara told Sonya.

Sonya nodded.

Zara looked back over her shoulder; the boys were pretty close.


A snowball rushed past her head.


Sonya got one in her back.


The two of them jumped aside, causing the boys to abruptly stop. But in front of them, Brenda, Teresa and Harriet appeared. Six snowballs flew in the boy's direction, and four of them hit. Frypan fell to the ground after receiving one in his face. Minho got two in his chest, Thomas one on his arm and one on his leg and Newt somehow managed to block it with his arm.

Zara, Sonya and the three other girls walked towards them, laughing. Zara and Sonya high-fived, then Zara walked over to Newt. The boy brushed some snow of his clothes. When he looked up, Zara walked straight into his chest and put her arms around his neck. She smirked, looked at the tiny snowball in her right hand and lifted it up. Gently, she pressed it in her boyfriend's neck.

Newt winced and threw his head back. Instead, his arms grabbed her waist tight. Zara chuckled and backed her head away to look at him. He smirked.

Oh shit.

''Go away.'' He said, grabbing her tighter.

''You're holding me.'' Zara tittered.

''I'm so mean.''

Zara smiled as she looked at him. ''You're an idiot.''

Newt smiled. ''Stop doing that.''

''Doing what?''

''Say things that make me wanna kiss you.''

Zara felt her cheeks redden. Not from the cold this time. Instead, a warm feeling filled her.

And Newt pressed his lips on hers and pulled her closer. Zara smiled against his lips.

Kissing in the snow, while snowflakes whirl down on you. Isn't that cute?

When the two of them pulled away and looked behind them, everyone was pretending to mind their own business. Zara and Newt looked at each other and smiled.

''You're my gift.'' Newt quietly said.

Something hit Zara as a result. She stared ahead. He wasn't the first one who'd told her that. There was one other person who always told her that she was their gift. And that was her mom. She had always been her mom's gift. It triggered something within Zara, hearing someone say that sentence again. It wasn't just a sentence. She realized she was now someone else's gift. Newt's gift. And there was no one else who she'd rather be that for. She looked at him and smiled. Her love for him had just grew bigger. Bigger than ever. How could love feel that strong?

''I'm all yours.''

Newt pressed a kiss on her hair in response.

Zara looked around. Seeing everyone play in the snow, even adults. There was an old man making a snowman with his grandchild, most likely. And several kids were attacking adults with snowballs. Zara couldn't help but smile. The whole world had just become a little brighter. Not only because of the joy. The snow was literally bright. Very, very bright.

''It's so... white.''

Minho looked up. ''It's snow.''

''I grew up in a desert, I don't know what weather is. Let alone snow.''

They laughed.

(A/N: two shorts in one day whoohoo.)

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