chapter 12

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The taller one suddenly lowered her gun a little, lifted it up again, and lowered it. She frowned.


Everyone turned to Aris. His face revealed surprise but as always, he looked a little scared.

''You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass.'' The short blonde girl said. She walked over to him and hugged him.

Zara and Newt exchanged a confused look.

And Minho mirrored their thought exactly. ''Uh, what's happening?''

Everyone turned their attention to Aris and the two girls, waiting for an explanation on all this. After all, those two girls almost killed them. And again, Zara found herself thinking. How the hell did they always end up in the most unpredictable situations ever.

Aris, now smiling, gave them his answer. ''We were in the Maze together.'' He looked from the blonde girl to the dark-haired girl. ''Sonya and Harriet.''

Now everyone in the group started to look around, checking for the reactions of each other. Zara remained looking at the two girls named Harriet and Sonya. Now that their faces were entirely visible, they seemed pretty nice. Apart from the fact they were holding guns.

Harriet, the taller one, whistled on her fingers.

''We're clear guys, come on now!'' She exclaimed towards the mountains.

Zara looked up to see armed people appear from all edges of the mountains. Those were the ones that had been shooting them earlier. It were at least ten. Ten armed people. And they were just standing there. On Harriet's command. Zara wondered if she was their leader, though she seemed around the same age as her. And another thought popped up. If they'd been in the Maze with Aris, then they had to be escaped from W.C.K.E.D as well. But Zara'd never heard her father about that.

Minho walked forward, claiming all the attention on himself. He stood still in front of Zara and Newt. He glanced up to the people in the mountains, then turned to Newt.

''Newt, here you have your shuck mountain people.''

Newt stopped looking up to look at Minho and sent him a glare.

''Let's bloody hope they're not gonna throw us in that abyss once they discover our friend Tommy here used to work for WCKED. And that we have Janson's daughter herself with us.''

Zara raised her eyebrows and turned to him in surprise. ''Thomas did WHAT?''

Minho snorted. ''Didn't he tell you? Shank worked for WCKED before he joined us in the Maze.''

Zara slowly shook her head.

''He helped design it. The Maze.'' Newt commented.

The girl kept a blank expression on her face but was confused on the inside. Very confused. How could he have worked for W.C.K.E.D? A few days ago, he was captured just like the others. She looked at Thomas, who hadn't heard the whole conversation between her, Newt and Minho. He was talking to Aris and Teresa.

Eventually, a puzzling look spread on Zara's face. And she could only bring out one thing.

''Well, that's new.''

Newt looked from Thomas to her. ''He doesn't remember one bloody thing of it. He hates WCKED. That's for sure.''

Zara could relate to it. She nodded and her face softened. ''Can relate. I hate WCKED and I'm the daughter of the second boss. I'm not even with him now but with his escaped subjects instead.'' Her voice revealed unbelief and sarcasm at the last sentence.

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