chapter 15

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Mary shook her head. ''Don't be scared. You'll definitely know when you're infected. And given the fact you won't come into contact with any Cranks from now, you don't have to fear getting infected.'' She smiled. ''Remember, don't stress over something before it happened. That way, you put yourself through it twice.''

Zara and Thomas were sitting on a bench next to Brenda. She was still sleeping. Her calm breathing and relaxed body were comforting to see. Her lips had regained their natural color, the wound on her leg had been treated, her hands lay next to her body. Almost as if nothing had happened and she was just sleeping.

''Wow.'' Zara muttered. ''It really worked.''

She saw Thomas nodding in the corner of her eye. They'd been silent from the moment they got back in the tent. 3 hours had passed since Mary'd been sitting with them, talking. In the meantime, Zara and Thomas went outside and put their time to good use. While Jorge spent his time by Brenda for as long as possible. Zara helped some people from the Right Arm with chores and tasks, sat with Newt, Minho and Frypan and walked around the camp. Thomas had been talking to Vince with Jorge, telling him about his journey until there. After that, he'd been sitting with Zara, Newt, Minho and Frypan as well. They ate some meat and delicious soup for dinner. Then everyone went to do their own thing again.

So now Zara and Thomas found themselves with Brenda in the tent again. That was the most important thing on their list and practically the only thing they could do there. And though Brenda was asleep, it felt like she needed them. And Zara and Thomas wanted to be there for her.

''I really hope she feels as okay as she looks right now.'' Thomas pointed out, gazing at the girl on the stretcher.

Zara nodded. Then glanced to her side, looking at Thomas. He stared into space, at first, you'd say there wasn't a readable expression on his face but after studying him for a few more seconds, it soon became visible to Zara. Clearly visible.

''Thomas, are you okay?''

He lifted his head, lowered it again. His eyes began to glitter by tears that welled up. He blinked it away, shook his head to himself and nodded while pressing his lips together shortly.

''I don't even know.'' He barely even got it out.

Zara felt her heart break for him. She gently put her arm around his back. Thomas sighed. He played with something in his hand, switching it from his left to his right hand. Zara glanced down and saw a little wooden figurine.

That it had sentimental value to Thomas was already clear to Zara. He squeezed it, turned it, looked at it. Memories rushed through his mind, judging his absent eyes. They watered a bit.

''That was Chuck.'' He muttered quietly.

He placed the little figurine in Zara's hand. She turned it the right way and stared at it, taking in and appreciating every single detail. It was handmade, notched with something sharp. She didn't know anything about the person, Chuck, who made it, but she couldn't feel the sadness on a higher level. That boy must've been a really close friend of Thomas.

She swallowed, doubting what she was going to say. ''How did he die?'' She asked it carefully and soft, with opportunities for either a breakdown or a conflict around every corner.

Thomas didn't take his time to answer. ''Saving my life.''

And just like that, Zara's admiring for the figurine melted into the bittersweet. She was on the verge of being on the verge of crying, but tears from her now was the last thing Thomas needed. Commence exit pleasantries-She rubbed his back slowly and pressed the figurine in the palm of his hand.

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