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Author's Note:
Hola peeps! So sorry for the delay as I had some issues going on. Hope you guys are doing well. This chapter is extremely unedited and might be too fluffy to handle. Just a little warning beforehand.


Taehyung's Pov

"She looks really pretty", haelmoni admired Nazeera who was helping in setting up the table for lunch. I smiled, my gaze fixated on my girl. 

Indeed, she is pretty and to my eyes, she is the prettiest.

"It's your grandson's choice after all. Wouldn't she be pretty?", I winked at her and haelmoni hit me playfully on my arm. I bent down a bit and smelled the aroma of kimchi jjigae she was preparing in the saucepan. It looked so appetizing and I could bet on Bang PD's assets that it would taste the best. I missed her cooking.

"She looks quite different from the girls of the present generation. What I mean is she looks so innocent and decent, neither a hyperventilated one nor an introvert. ", haelmoni explained and I smiled goofily, looking at my girl.

"I know, haelmoni. Perhaps, that's one of the reasons she caught the eyes of your peculiar grandson", I jested and she let out a tiny laugh. Everyone calls me weird and that's one of my characteristics though. Alien is my nickname.

 I then helped haelmoni with the serving and looked at Nazeera who already set the table. Throwing a smile, I took my seat beside her. She inhaled the aroma of the dish and her face beamed with delight. Haelmoni noticed that and her lips curved up to display a satisfactory grin. I guess they don't need a specific language to communicate. 

Actions speak louder than words.

"Thank you, I will eat well", she mumbled in Korean and her accent was so cute. I chuckled at that and served the dish on her plate. 

"Eat well", haelmoni spoke in English and I was happy for her. Haelmoni was so bored in the house that she started learning English. And now, it was helping her to bond with Nazeera. She already got the first impression right.

"It is so delicious", Nazeera complimented while savoring the dish. I smiled at her cute way of drinking the soup. She would take little amounts in her mouth and make a small sound. And then continue slurping the soup again.

There was a small piece of cabbage stuck on the edge of her lips and I laughed internally seeing her totally oblivious to it. I leaned in closer and she gaped at me as if she was attacked, literally moving back a step.

 Did she think I would do something in front of haelmoni? Aish! This girl. 

I leaned in more and wiped the cabbage off the sides of her mouth. She looked petrified for some reason and haelmoni cleared her throat to bring her back to senses. I pulled my hand back and grinned at her flushed face. 

"Hmm, the kimchi is really nice", she stuttered and we exchanged knowing looks. Haelmoni laughed out loud and I joined her. 

"Omo, she looks embarrassed. What are you doing, Taehyung?", haelmoni smacked my head and I frowned. She was the one laughing just a moment ago. Would it not add to her embarrassment? Why pushing the whole blame on me?

"Eat well dear", she caressed Nazeera and Nazeera stuck out her tongue. Haelmoni smacked my head again, petting Nazeera's head. She smirked at me and I was caught off guard. 

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