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Author's note:
Hola peeps!! I am back again and please do vote and comment if you like the story!!! Have a happy reading


Taehyung's Pov

"I will get you a new one", I could see her looking at me in surprise. 

"I will go to the class now", she mumbled and walked away. .

Why did I even tell that now? I know that her violin is expensive and where can I get the money for the violin now? If not for that idiot Jackson, I would have not been in such a situation.

Now that I think about it, her pathetic state when she saw her violin broke disturbed me a lot. She was a complete mess back then. She just picked up those sharp wooden pieces mindlessly. She didn't even care about her bleeding wrist and let those filings pierce her fingers.

She looked so broken and her wails made me disappointed. I didn't like it when she sobbed. I didn't like it when she looked crippled. I need to purchase a violin at any cost. That jerk, Jackson punched Jin hyung in the morning for no reason and I couldn't control my anger. He gets on my nerves even if he just exists.

He is the reason for the disturbance in our group. Though I am not getting along with Jin hyung, I can't tolerate his behavior against him. He is too dumb to let things go. I just wonder if he will understand that thinking only the positive side of life will never help him grow or win. That will only crush him in the future.

I went to the class and I could feel stares at me. I am already the star now. I will be dead if the manager gets to know about this. Jin hyung was glaring at me. I guess he already knows. Aish! Was I too violent? Nevermind, it's already done.

"Why do you have to hit him on the arm?", Jimin nudged my shoulder.

"He is being an irritating pest. I don't have another excuse", I scowled at the thought of that idiot.

"I mean, why didn't you kick his ass?", Jimin smirked and I chuckled a little. Right now, it's not Jackson who is bothering me. It's her, her puffed face is not leaving my thoughts. Why is she affecting me so much? I don't even know how she looks like as a whole. How her hair is? What kind is she as a person? Who is she? Though her eyes marked an inevitable impression in my mind. She is different and....


Those pretty orbs were filled with despair and anger this morning. The despair that she is helpless over her beloved instrument and angry that I broke it so easily. They are easily readable. 

"V hyung", I could hear Jungkook calling me and I turned towards him. The classroom was empty.

"Did the class get over?", I asked them and they nodded.

"And I called you 6 times till now. Where are you lost, hyung?", Jungkook asked, his voice screaming concern.

"Why did you have to make a scene?", it was Jin hyung. I was actually waiting for this.

"I just can't sit quiet and warm up my ass like you", I scoff at him and he threw a glare. Things were not so great between us after entering the academy. With Jackson breathing here, it happened to be like this. He taunts Jin hyung yet hyung stays quiet which makes me so pissed.

"And I don't like to cause troubles to the band as you do", he defended himself. I feel bad for those words but nevertheless, I can't tolerate his calmness.

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