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Author's note:
Hola peeps!! I am back again with the next part. And also I want to tell that this story will be more of soft romance. Hope you are okay with it. Once again, just consider BTS speak good English in Rainbow Series... Have a happy reading now!!!


Taehyung's Pov

"Taehyung ah, don't be a bother to her", Jin hyung saved me from her. I looked at her petite figure walking out of the canteen the next moment. Such a scaredy-cat!

"What's her name by the way?", I asked hyung and he gave me a disbelieving look.

"Taehyung ah, don't play with her, she looks nice", Jin hyung warned not disclosing her name as if I am some playboy. I was just asking her name, that's all. But I just heard it. Isn't it Nara or Nazra or something? I am sure she isn't a Korean, her accent says it all.

"Nazeera is her name, right?", Jimin winked at me and I gave a victorious smirk to hyung while he just remained neutral.

"I kind of feel she is reserved though", Hoseok hyung voiced out his thought.

"Hyung, I am not trying to hit on her by the way. She is nothing close to my type", I cleared them. Something about her is certainly off which is making me want to do something. She looks interesting, is it because she looks reserved?

"Whatever, don't do anything stupid", Jin hyung warned me again as he munched on his lunch.

I can't promise that hyung.

"Fine, just eat now", Namjoon hyung diverted the topic and we just continued our lunch.

• • •

"Nazeera", I called her as she was walking through the corridors of the main music hall. But she completely ignored me. She went to her block after having her lunch, I guess. I couldn't find her then. I could tell, she is a Hijabi, and perhaps, that's the reason she was covering herself.

"Nazeera", this is the fifth time I called her and she didn't give an ear at all. The only response she was giving was fastening her pace with my every call. Ahh, I couldn't tolerate this ignorance anymore. I am not trying to assault her or something. 

"Yah! What's with this attitude?", I held her wrist and I could see her efforts to pull out of my hold. I am not letting go of you now.

"Leave me, what's your problem?", she looked at me with a helpless stare. That's true though. Why am I questioning her attitude when I am bothering her. All I could decipher from her face is her eyes. I don't know if she is frowning or is displeased as I couldn't see her face as a whole.

"I would have been nice if you would have been good and stopped when I am calling you", I looked into her eyes and all she wants now is me to release her. She was more concentrated on my hold than my words.

"Yah! Are you even listening?", I asked her seeing so determined to release herself. I left her hand and raised my hand in the air.

She immediately paced away from me.

"Nazeera", I called her and she stopped and gave me a stare. 

"See you around", I smiled and she gave me a displeasing look. Why is she making it so interesting? No, Taehyung, curiosity kills. Don't do anything stupid, I told to myself.

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