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Author's note:
Hola peeps!! I am back with the next part and hope you like it. And do remember Bangtan can speak good English in this whole series


"Why is he so adamant?", I thought to myself.

 I washed myself, preparing for the evening prayer. Baba is still in his workplace and I did the prayer along with Ammi. Ammi then prepared snacks and I ate them complimenting her cooking skills while she blushed at my little plaudits. 

I always know Ammi wants to fill the void created by Baba since I was born. But no one can take a dad's role except for he, himself. I sighed at the thought of having a better scenario in this house. I wish we are like any other family, simple and happy.

I switched on the television to watch some cartoons, shrugging off those thoughts in my mind. People would tease me like hell if they knew this. I don't have another option though. The thought of Hollywood series and their intimate scenes would be considered sinful in my family. And I got used to it now.

I didn't want to risk it by watching it on my phone either. What if I was caught? What if Baba searches my web history, I would be turned into ash the next day. I still have hope for life. 

As I scrolled through my phone, I saw my friends' messages and replied to all of them. Since the time zones were different, I am sure it will be tough for us to text each other at the same time. I miss my people in Saudi.

I got bored with the show on the TV and got myself a sketchpad to draw something. At least, it kills time rather than watching the same episode of cartoons. Ugh! Why can't they air new ones? 

I kept sketching and slowly my thoughts trailed towards the music academy. Or should I say a specific person to be precise? That idiot who kept on sticking to me like a lizard. He is so stubborn. And his behavior was very flirty. I wonder how many girls he had hit on. And why does it matter to me anyway?

"Could you remove that scarf for me? I want to see your face"

His words kept ringing in my head. Why does he want to know my face? I honestly don't like him, even a bit, though he has that charm in his eyes. What am I thinking now? Yes, I hate him because he knew I was going to be in trouble, but still, he let me go like that.

It was so embarrassing had not Jin saved me at the right time. They both are contrasting personalities indeed. I hope Baba didn't employ any spy over there. If he gets to know that someone touched me, I am sure he will be beheaded by now. I care for life and though I hate him much, I can't stake his life.

"Nazeera, I completely forgot to ask. How was your first day?", Eomma asked me with her sweet smile, snapping me out of thoughts. I narrated how the classes went on and she listened to me patiently. I didn't mention the story of getting lost and landing up in a boys' block though. But I did mention about this Taehyung guy creeping me. She looked at me in shock at first but then pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Just be careful Nazeera. I trust you. But still, just don't make it an issue that your Baba must get involved", her expression turned to a serious one. I know what she meant by those words. I nodded and hugged her. I will make sure to tell about him as I am completely dependent on her if any trouble arises.

After some time, Baba arrived home. Ammi immediately made the table ready. I sat silently and my dinner while Baba talked to Ammi about some business-related issues.  And then everything went silent, so quiet that all I could hear is the sound of the food being chewed.

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