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Author's Note:
Hola Amikles! My classes started today ╥﹏╥


Taehyung's Pov

"Ouch", Jungkook winced in pain as Nazeera hit him with the broomstick. We giggled as Jungkook was rubbing his head, wincing and howling in pain. Poor him! I already warned him to hold his horses but he was just too excited to see his noona. 

"Noona", he yelped in pain and Nazeera widened her eyes. She must have probably recognized his voice. 

"Jungkook", she mumbled and I smiled. We were dressed top to toe with a black garment covering us completely. And that's the reason she couldn't recognize us in the first case. Who would be expecting visitors in such a morning when your parents weren't in the home? Her reaction is not at all amusing

"Ekhwah", she muttered as she noticed Farhaz who was with us.

"Get in before anyone gets a doubt", he urged us and all four of us stepped inside. As Nazeera closed the door, we all removed the black garment, covering our faces, and took a breath. It is really suffocating with that.

"Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. Why did you guys dress like that? Why are you guys here", she quickly questioned, her eyes filled with panic and concern. I glanced at her for a moment and then took the lead to narrate what happened and how we landed here.


"I am not grounding you guys. I know I can't do that. But don't you dare go there again", Jin hyung warned us and we just nodded. He went to his room silently and I looked at Jimin and Jungkook. I wish he was not serious with his words.

"Do you have any plan?", Jungkook asked casually and we both looked at him weirdly. Is he thinking of a plan now? Is he gone nuts?

"He just warned us a few minutes ago. Which plan are you speaking about?", I asked him in a whisper-yell and he smirked. Please don't lay out a stupid plan that could raise my hopes and the chances of being slaughtered by the hyungs.

"Come on hyung. I know you want to meet her. We will sneak out after hyung sleep", the maknae had his plan set already and we both looked at each other. Jimin was still unsure and I pursued my lips. I am desperate to see her but I don't want to put them at risk. 

"I will break your legs if you try to perform another stunt again", Hobi hyung popped up from the back of the couch. We got petrified as he stood up out of nowhere and took a gulp in fear. I swear I am going to kill Jungkook for this. That idiot doesn't know where to speak things and can't keep his mouth shut. 

"Are they talking about sneaking out again?", Namjoon hyung joined Hobi hyung and we knew we are screwed. I saw Jimin shooting death glares at Jungkook who was pretending to know nothing and portraying an innocent rabbit face. 

"I will break your legs if you even have a thought. And this maknae grew up to be so mischievous huh?", he pulled Jungkook's ears who was now yelping in pain. Great! He dug his own grave. 

"All of us will be awake tonight to check on your stupid actions", Hobi hyung declared and I let out a sigh. Three of us just sat down on the couch, playing some video games, not even daring to think of another possibility in our minds. Well! It doesn't matter if we don't wake up early tomorrow as we got to know that we are given holidays for Chuseok just a few hours ago.

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