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Author's Note:
Butter teaser killed me already. Can't wait for the song to release!!


Taehyung's Pov

I looked at the young lady staring at Nazeera and then looked at the man in front of me. He was equally clueless about the scene in front of us. 

"Nazeera", the lady cried and hugged Nazeera tight. They both hugged each other closely and started bawling their eyes out. As far as I remember, she told me that Baji means sister. 

Is she her sister?

"How are you?", the woman asked her and Nazeera nodded, her eyes glistening.

"I am fine, Baji. I never thought I would meet you again. Why didn't you come for me once?" Nazeera blubbered and the other woman wiped her tears. Letting out a chuckle, she ruffled Nazeera's hairs and tapped her forehead.

"Still the same crybaby, aren't you?", she mouthed with a smile. And then her eyes turned towards me. I smiled at her and bowed in respect.

"Wait! How did you land up here and why are you with a guy? Don't tell me that you have eloped as well", she asked Nazeera and the latter shook her head vigorously in negation. Nazeera then looked at me. Finally, she realized that I was still standing here, perplexed. She held my hand and looked at the woman.

"Taehyung, she is Baji, my sister, and Baji, he is Taehyung, my love", my heart dropped a beat when she introduced me as her love to her sister. I was overwhelmed with joy that I felt like dancing to Just One Day. I knew she loves me but it hit me differently when she told it by herself.

"Annyeonghaseyo", I greeted her and her sister let out a smile. She then called the man who clicked our picture and entwined her hands with him. He could probably be the one for whom her sister left their house.

"Nazeera, he is my husband, Ji Wook and Jagiya, this is my cute little sister about whom I tell you every day", she stated and her husband greeted Nazeera with a warm smile. 

"And you can call me noona, Taehyung. I am so happy that my sister found her love and caught hold of a handsome man", she patted Nazeera who was already blushing.

"I was the one who approached her first, noona. I think I caught hold of the prettiest woman", I winked at Nazeera who was all flustered now. The couple looked at us with endearing smiles plastered on their faces. 

I then walked together with Ji Wook ssi and left the sisters to spend time together. Ji Wook ssi is really a decent and respectful man. He even asked me to call him hyung. He was very polite and friendly and often stole glances at his wife was laughing heartily along with my girl.

He looked so in love

Just like me

Noona invited us to her house as they live around the place.  Ji Wook hyung works as a manager of an IT company in Daegu and they live in Geochang. All the time during the talk, Nazeera looked very happy, making me feel contended.

We sat in their living room and Noona went to get us some water while Nazeera sat beside me on the sofa with a cheerful smile on her face. She looked like a flower blooming in ecstasy. It's hard to pretend that I am not whipped for her. She held my hand and played with my fingers, something which I love so much. 

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