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Author's Note:
Hola Amikles! I am back again with the next part and sorry for the delay. Well! Amikles is the name I will be calling my peeps now. It's the fusion of Amigo and Sparkles. Well! No more words now. Let's get into the story!!


What was he speaking? A Date?

"You heard it right, Nazeera. We will go on a date tomorrow", he mouthed and patted my head. How can I go out on Sunday? And what will I tell Baba and Ammi? I can never go on a date for a whole day, especially on a holiday. 

 "Taehyung, I don't think I can come", I stuttered and I could see the expression on his face faltering. I held his hand and pressed them gently. I'd love to go on a date with him but things are not just easy in my life. 

"At least you could try. I mean, is there a little chance? You know, where there is a will, there is a way", he spoke displaying his pouty smile and I couldn't stop myself from being flattered. He looked so cute while asking for a possibility. 

"I will try, Taehyung", I smiled and he hugged me from the side. I got used to his hugs now. He hugs me suddenly out of nowhere and it became his habit lately. I don't complain as they were really warm and filled with love. I feel so cozy in his embrace. 

"I will wait for you here at 11 and if you don't come within an hour, I will go. Okay?", he told and caressed my face. I simply nodded but I didn't want him to do that. I don't want him to keep waiting for me but I know he wouldn't listen to me. He is one stubborn being that I have met.

"I can't promise you, Taehyung. But promise me, you have to not feel sad if I can't make it", I told him and he nodded with an assuring smile. I don't want to give him false hopes. That pretty smile on his face makes me want to say yes but I know my boundaries in the house.

"I will get going then, take care", he patted my head and I waved my hand. He bid me bye and I started walking towards my colony.

Lately, I have got so much used to him. We met every day in the morning, in the breaks, and in the evening, not even leaving a minute to waste. We kept holding hands often and I felt really good while spending time with him, though the butterflies in my stomach still keep bothering me.

I love his long and slender fingers and he even lets me play with them. I am very glad that he reminds me of my prayers and respects them. The one who respects your customs is the one we should never lose a grip on, Baji told me once. He was really curious about my culture and I even promised to make him taste Pita, our staple bread. Well! His eternal love for bread is something that I can't miss out on.

Sometimes, he whines like a kid for small reasons and often argues with Jungkook whenever that bunny boy asks me to play the violin. I really wanted to play it for him, but Taehyung drags me away from them complaining that I am spending less time with him. He is a bit clingy but it's cute.

I remember his love for dumplings. One must see how he adores the food in front of him. He looked so squishy back then while adoring his favorite food and not to forget about his boxy rectangular smile. He is one endearing being. 

Our first hug was the most memorable one and I could never ever forget that in my life. I thought my heart would explode when his body was pressed against mine. Our breathing was perfectly in sync and warm blood rushed through my body in his embrace. I never saw any of this coming in my life and now that I am experiencing all this affection, I can't stop myself from wanting more.

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