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Author's note:
Hola peeps! I am back again and sorry for the delay. I will be back again after a week since my exams are ahead. Until then, happy reading!!


I could not think of anything other than him. Why the hell do I have to bump into him on the first day? Why the hell he wanted to talk to me? Why did he eat lunch with me and why did he walk me to my house? Why does he have to cause me so much trouble for my simple life?

I really like you Nazeera

It's not a prank Nazeera. I am telling the truth. I like you Nazeera

How can he confess to me like that? It hasn't even been a week when he admitted his feelings towards me. And since then, my mind has lost its peace. I thought he was trying to play a prank but he looked damn serious. No guy ever confessed to me till today and he is just wrecking my serenity. Gosh! Why did he? Why does he even like me?

I glanced at my violin and took a breath. It reminds me of him. Why is he disturbing me so much? All I did was talking back to him and ignoring him. And all he did was teasing me and playing with my words.

Wait! He just didn't do that. He did something that I can't decipher, at least not at the moment.

Three days passed by and I didn't talk a bit to him except for today. I cried a lot that day and to my surprise, I don't even know the right reason to feel sad. Is it because I feel guilty for shouting at him? Or is it because I don't have the right answer? Ugh! This guy! Kim Taehyung, I just want to forget you. Will you please get out of my mind?

My thoughts trailed towards the fight that happened today. Why did that Jackson guy want to scare me always? I just hope we don't share any internal grudges in our past lives. But more than him, it was Taehyung who I can't forget. The way he laced onto Jackson was absolutely terrifying. His eyes were filled with rage and he looked really scary.

I would kill him if he touches you again. I freaking like you Nazeera. It concerns me a lot.

Just tell me that you don't have at least a bit of feeling towards me. Just tell me honestly and I will not show my face again

And I promise I will not show you my face again

His words kept ringing in my mind, giving me goosebumps every time I think about them. I remember his face drowning in disappointment and his glistening eyes when I lied that I don't feel a bit towards him.

Yes, I lied. I lied to him but I know I can't lie to myself

Only Allah knows how lonely I felt when he didn't follow me home today. He is too foolish to think that I didn't catch him following me all these days. I knew he is doing that even when I ran away from him and ignored him. He is just too obvious and perhaps, caring?

But today, after that terrible scene that had happened in the morning, he didn't even try to talk to me. I didn't see him at lunch and I didn't feel his presence while walking back home. He must have been hurt. My words must have caused him to hurt. Ugh! I feel guilty now.

It's truly disappointing for me to treat him like an absolute nobody, but I don't have any other option. I don't want to hurt him or myself in this process and this is the only way. Deep down, I know I miss him a bit. 

Maybe, more than a bit.

The little moments I had spent with him, I don't know if they would make me feel this close to him. His rectangular smile, his stubbornness, eating lunch with him, just everything with him is different because he is the first guy to break into my space. Unknowingly, we created moments that are making me hard to get over his thoughts.  I don't know what kind of feeling this is, but I don't want to like anyone. I know I am being selfish but only I know the reason.

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