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Author's note:
Hola peeps! Sorry for the delay and thank you for 150+ reads. Hope you are liking the story and happy reading!!


Taehyung's Pov

"Yah! Kim Taehyung, just stay in the house and take some rest", Hobi hyung yelled at me and the rest all gave me the same look. I frowned at that. Though I still find myself weak to attend the academy, I am better than yesterday. I want to see her today.

"I want to come, hyung. I am fine. See", I spread my arms wide and displayed a goofy smile.  I showed my 32 teeth but out of blue, I stumbled upon my leg and Namjoon hyung caught me right on time.

"Yes, yes, we can see how fine you are", Jungkook muttered and I sighed. I want to see her today. After all that had happened yesterday, I couldn't control myself from seeing her. She looked so pretty, so ethereal and so innocent. I just want to see her face again. I want to talk to her for once. She is not leaving my thoughts and it would be hard for me if I don't see her today.

"Just take rest for today Taehyung ah. You can come from tomorrow, okay?", Jin hyung spoke softly and I frowned. How can I tell them that I want to see her so badly? I sighed and plopped myself on the couch, switching on the TV. Jin hyung served us breakfast and I ate with no interest.

They waved a bye to me after finishing up the chores and I just smiled back.

"Want to see her?", I got scared as Jimin popped out of nowhere, behind the couch. This dwarf of a being stayed back and wasn't even noticed. Great! Perks of being small.

"Yah! Jiminie pabo, what are you doing here?", I asked as he showed his sly smile. I ignored him and continued to watch the movie. I am already frustrated that I can't see her today and here, he is showing his stupid smile. 

"I asked Jungkook to manage the others for some time", he spoke as he sat down beside me without answering my question and I shook my head in disbelief. . I ignored him and continued to watch the movie. I am already frustrated that I can't see her today and here, he is showing his stupid smile. 

"I will bring Nazeera, alright? Don't keep sulking like that", he mouthed, smacking my head and I turned to him to confirm for real. I mentally apologized to him for calling him a dwarf. Sorry Jimin ah, you are taller than a dwarf.

"Really?", I asked him with excitement filling my veins and he nodded in positive.

"Now don't show that long face and take rest. We will bring her just like yesterday. I am sure she would come if I say you are still ill", he stated as he stood up and winked at me. This guy really knows how to change my mood.

 "Thank You Jimin ah", I thanked him for what he is doing for me, taking all the risks and responsibilities.

"If she is the one who makes you happy, then I will do anything to support you two", he assured me as he smacked my head and I smiled back. He bid me bye and I waved my hand vigorously with happiness.

Had he not been in my life, I don't how I would have survived. I remember people staring at us weirdly at our crazy actions in high school. I even remember his girlfriend asking us if we are from another planet.  I am glad that I have someone like him. Nazeera wouldn't have come to the dorm in the first case had he not helped her. 

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her entering the dorm. And when she cried that she couldn't understand what she is feeling for me, I felt it so cute. She is an innocent bean whom I want to pamper so much. She is just too adorable for me. 

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