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Author's Note:
Hola Amikles, Here I am with the next update. I didn't think I would publish but considering the long break I will be taking for exams, I thought I have to do this. Do check out my other works as well. And have a happy reading now. (I have one surprise for you all)


Taehyung's Pov

As I pressed my forehead against hers, I could feel her heavy breathing. The kiss we shared was magical, filled with eternal glory. I was into another world of paradise when I moved against her mouth, slowly and steadily. This was the best moment of my life till today. But her next words made me dumbfounded

"I like you, Taehyung"

She uttered and I pulled back, confounded. Is it real? Did she really say that? I still can't believe if I have heard it right.

"Say that again", I asked her, still not able to process what she just said. I just couldn't believe my ears as I know how eager they are to hear those words. This could be my imagination as well or from the dreams in my head. She held my hands, making me look at her. Her eyes we're filled with fervor.

"I like you, Taehyung and I am not confused anymore. And I am telling this again, I like you, Taehyung", she spoke in confidence and I pulled her close without wasting a moment. I engulfed her in my embrace and trailed kisses on her hair. I didn't even realize that my eyes are moist when she confessed her feelings. This is a dream come true.

I knew for certain that she is falling for me. The way she hugs me back, the way she plays with my fingers, and the way she looks into my eyes, they say it all. They convey emotions without words. But when I heard those words from her mouth, I was overwhelmed with intense joy and danced like crazy in elation.

I never thought she would realize it this soon. The kiss we shared a few seconds ago was something which I initiated, not being able to control my emotions. I was scared for a moment if she would feel uneasy but when she responded back with equal passion, I knew there is no going back. She is trapped in my charms just like how she has got me wrapped around her finger which she obviously doesn't know.

I pulled out of the hug and looked at her intensely. She looks ethereal, like a doll handcrafted with care. God must have taken time to sculpt her face, carefully.

I cupped her cheeks and my eyes were drawn to her moist lips. I pecked her lightly and she blushed. I pulled back and saw her eyes closed. I smiled as I got permission. I knew she wants it too. Not wasting another second, I smashed my lips on hers, pulling her into a kiss deeper than before.

I took the lead as I know she isn't fast at expressing herself and is not used to this. I deepened the kiss and smirked as I heard her gasp. I used the chance to enter her mouth, my tongue ready to explore her nook and corner, not like the harsh and rough kiss. I want to relish the moment and a slow and soft kiss marks the beginning of a beautiful relationship. No wonder, it felt like an explosion of the best flavors in the universe mingling together causing a mindblowing sensation in my body. 

I don't want to stop this anytime soon but oxygen is a concern that can't be left out. As we were in need of breath, we pulled out and locked our foreheads. I noticed her cheeks turning into a hue of red and couldn't stop the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. We were locked into each others' aura and it's a heavenly feeling.

As soon as I pulled out, I found her eyes gleaming with tears. Why is she crying? What happened to her?

"Nazeera. Is everything okay? Do you regret this?", I asked her with a great amount of anxiety running down my veins. Even the thought of her telling me that she regrets all of this is enough to make my heart shatter into innumerable pieces.

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