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Author's Note:
Hola peeps!! I am back with the next part. Sorry for the delay since got stacked up with assignments. Have a happy reading!!!


Taehyung's Pov

"What?", she pulled away immediately and shot me an astonishing look. I know this is too early but I don't think I can control my feelings anymore. Not when she appears in front of me every day. I looked at her confused figure and stepped closer. Her fingers, aggressively fidgeting could tell how nervous she is.

"I really like you Nazeera", I repeated my words and tried to reach her hand but she stepped back.

"I don't understand what you are speaking. If this is some kind of prank, please stop. I don't find it funny at all. What do you mean by you like me? Tell me you are joking. I know you just want to play-", she started ranting and I caught her wrist pulling her close. Her words got muffled at my sudden gesture and she let out a gasp. If this is how she reacts to my actions, I don't think I can stop my feelings towards her. She is too sensitive.

"It's not a prank Nazeera. I am telling the truth. I like you Nazeera and I mean it", my voice was stern and it took a moment for her to process my words. She started wiggling her hands to get out of my hold, but I am not letting her go. Why does she always try to escape?

"Just leave me Taehyung", she yelled and I released her. I was shocked at her sudden rise in voice. Her voice is usually calm and she speaks in a very low tone. Is she mad at me? Oh No! What did you do Kim Taehyung?

"How many times should I tell you not to touch me? Just because you like to and that I can't fight against your strength, you can't take advantage of me", she grumbled with tears in her eyes. No, no! This is not what I wanted. I just wanted to confess. I don't want to make her cry.

"I am sorry Nazeera", I immediately apologized not wanting to lose her. I was never attracted to a girl like her till now. She is different and holds the charms that I couldn't escape from. I never thought I would like someone in such a short span of time. Did I make the wrong decision in confessing my feelings?

"Please leave me now. Thank you for buying the violin. And I will pay you back soon", she mouthed and sped her steps away from. I know running behind her would not help. She must have been stupefied with my sudden confession of feelings.

"Nazeera", I mumbled to myself and frowned. I never expected her to react like this. Shit! Does she know the route from here? I know she is not used to the city. And she gets lost very easily. I started walking behind her to check if she is going in the right way.

I sighed in relief as she was walking in the right way. She took the subway and so did I. But I made sure not to be in her line of sight. Catching me following her would only add to her dismay. It was funny how I have to find something to hide just in case she turns around. People would definitely mistake me for a creep.

I noticed her walking faster than usual. I am worried if she takes my words for otherwise. I have no intention of playing with her. I just want to try it out. I have never been in a relationship and the first one to catch the heart is always special.

As I reached the spot where she usually asks me to stop, I halted my steps. She didn't turn back for once as she rushed to her house in haste. I pulled the binoculars out of my bag and smiled as I looked at her figure, reaching her home.

Honestly, I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I was not expecting her to accept my feelings or like back either. But that anger and disgust in her eyes are not what I wished for.

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