Chapter 102: Back to the Forbidden City

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Looking into his eyes, you get the sense he feels wronged or unhappy in some way.

Xiu Ying: (Wait, why does Yin Zhen have these strange feelings? Or am I reading too much into it?) Since the 3rd Prince has no interest in succeeding to the throne, he has no motive.

Yin Zhen: Oh? Do you know him so well? How can you say that?

Xiu Ying: It's in his nature. Hasn't the Emperor criticized him for not performing his duties, for showing no interest in politics? Are you always this cryptic?

Yin Zhen: Cryptic? You accuse me of being cryptic now?

Xiu Ying: I accused you of much worse earlier!

Yin Zhen: Audacious! Has your fever broken yet?

Without waiting for your reply he steps forwards and places his hand on your forehead. His handsome face is within reach. You flush slightly.

Yin Zhen: [Smiling slowly] You face is quite red. Are you blushing?

Xiu Ying: [Knocking his hand away] No! It's the fever!

The journey back to the capital is hot and cloudless. The city is baking.You're still sitting in the carriage, waiting to dismount, when Shi Lian impatiently pulls the curtains aside.

Shi Lian: My Lady! You're back!

Xiu Ying: Shhh. If you've got something to tell me, wait until we get back to my chambers.

Assuming a serious expression, you jump down from the carriage. A guard in the next carriage lifts 7th Prince out and places him in a specially made wheelchair.

7th Prince: [Yelling] What's the hold-up?! Get moving!

7th Prince still cannot stand up. His temper has gone from bad to worse, with the people around him being on the receiving end. As the son of the Noble Consort he enjoys high status, and no one dare contradict him. The Noble Consort runs out to meet her son, her eyes wet from crying, and personally takes charge of pushing his wheelchair. As footsteps fade, 11th Prince falls in beside you. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice what appears to be a smirk on his face.

11th Prince: [Looking over at you] You noticed me smiling?

You curtsy slightly and hold your tongue. He continues speaking, unprompted.

11th Prince: You could say he and I don't get along. Seeing him like this... does not cause me pain.

Xiu Ying: (I can believe it, but why admit to such feelings?) 11th Prince. There is something I must attend to. Please excuse me.

11th Prince: That is not all. No doubt the Emperor will want to see us all shortly.

You look over to Yin Zhi and Yin Zhen who are walking nearby. Both sense your gaze and turn to look at you. Yin Zhen waves.

11th Prince: [Laughing scornfully] Enough, my Lady. Let's go.

11th Prince is correct. Everyone except 7th Prince is summoned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

An oppressive silence hangs over the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The Emperor is slowly reading a memorial on the table in front of him. You kneel on the floor next to the others, not daring to speak until spoken to.

Xiu Ying: (News of the 7th Prince's condition must have vexed and grieved the Emperor greatly. He has no doubt surmised that one of the other princes is most likely the culprit...)

But for the moment his mood is calm and unreadable. Far from being reassuring, his silence fills you with dread.

Emperor: What happened to my nice ceremony? Could it be that Heaven is displeased, and so seeks to punish me?

He hurls the memorial to the floor, his eyes bulging. Everyone holds their breath, waiting for the storm to hit.

Yin Zhen: Your Majesty, the ceremony has already been completed. What happened afterwards was the act of a traitor, not Heaven's doing. I failed to protect 7th Prince. I take responsibility for it.

Emperor: [Picking up another memorial and throwing it at Yin Zhen's face] It IS your responsibility! He is a cripple because of you!

Xiu Ying: Your Majesty, the culprit must be found! An attack on the princes is an attack on you!

The Emperor slowly turns his head towards you. His glowering eyes make you heart beat faster.

You are a familiar face in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and one of the people closest to the Emperor...but these honors are all bestowed by his grace. Right now he is looking at you as if at a stranger.

Xiu Ying: (Looking at him now, he looks like a completely different man. You're tired and anxious. Yes, that must be it.)

Emperor: They were wounded. You, however...

Before he can finish, a maid walks in carrying a tea tray. She is smiling broadly, oblivious to the tension in the room.

Maid: Your Majesty! You must be thirsty from all the talking. Here, have some tea!

Emperor: [Pausing] My Lady, this has nothing to do with you. You may withdraw.

Your pupils dilate and your heart is beating madly, but you maintain your composure, bow deeply and walk slowly out of the room.

Xiu Ying: (Why did the Emperor point out I was unharmed? Does he really suspect me? Am I overthinking it? Why else would he say it?)

The heat is oppressive as you leave the hall. You walk listlessly, as if caught in a trance.

? ? ?: My Lady, wait!

You turn to see the maid who just delivered the tea approaching you, smiling broadly. She is pretty, but also fragile-looking. You've seen her before somewhere.

Hu Ling: Greetings, my Lady. It's me, Hu Ling.

Xiu Ying: How may I help you, Hu Ling?

Hu Ling: You probably don't remember me, my Lady. You tried to save me when I fell in the lake.

The penny drops. The girl who fell into the lake!

Xiu Ying: Oh! Of course. How could I forget?

Hu Ling: Thank you for getting me a position in the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

Xiu Ying: I can't take the credit. You got it on your own merit.

Hu Ling: My Lady, I need to tell you something. The Emperor is so angry about what happened to the 7th Prince. He is looking for someone to blame. You should try to avoid him for a while.

Xiu Ying: [Smiling] Thank you for the warning.

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