• peace, restored •

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part 2

this got so long holy shit

sorry i just kind of got carried away... and now we're at 6300 words.. 
enjoy x


Anakin is terrified.

He is concerned, angry, upset, and has the constant urge to vomit. But mostly, he is absolutely fucking terrified.

It feels like mere seconds have passed since the moment Princess Savanika caught him with his lips on yours, til now, when he's standing in the middle of the meeting room with two Jedi Council members sitting before him.

"I am absolutely appalled," Mace Windu begins the meeting by saying, his eyes filled with both surprise and disdain. "You had one job, Anakin. One simple, easy job."

"Please, Master Windu, do not belittle the past seven months by referring to what I had to do as 'easy'," Anakin replies with malice on his tongue. His fear is quick to turn to rage. "This was not, by any means, easy."

"I don't understand," Obi-Wan mutters, rubbing his beard as his gaze remains on the ground. "How could this have happened?"

"I met Y/N before there were even rumors of an upcoming war," Anakin admits, his hands clasping together. He feels warmth when he thinks of you, but it is outlined by a cold cruelty when he is reminded of the situation at hand. "I didn't purposely stray from the objective of my mission. It's just that... I was already compromised before it ever began."

Obi-Wan lets out a disappointed sigh, still unable to look up at his ex-Padawan. He wonders whether it is his fault that Anakin has not yet proven himself to be worthy of the title of Jedi Master, or whether it is simply written to never happen.

"Whatever excuse you want to use, the fact of the matter is that we have lost the support of Alderaan," Windu states bluntly. "And we are currently in the process of losing Naboo, should Yoda fail to appease the Queen. She is strongly aligned with Queen Elari, and it is doubtful that she'll remain an ally of the Jedi once the word of your transgression gets out."

"Was it worth it, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asks, finally meeting his eyes. "Did you have your fun?"

"I do not see my relationship with Y/N as simply fun, Obi-Wan, I love her," Anakin adamantly insists. "I loved her long before I was assigned to appease the Princess, I love her now while I have no idea what fate the Queen will give her, and I will continue to love her with everything I have until my stolen heart ceases to beat."

Windu rolls his eyes.

"Well, then," Obi-Wan says with a dry laugh. "I wish you would have said something earlier."

"Why? So you could have pretended to love Savanika, instead?" Anakin asks with a scoff. "Something tells me Satine wouldn't be too happy about that."

"And your girl was happy?" Obi-Wan counters with a raised eyebrow.

A long silence passes, and Anakin can almost feel his heart fragmenting into weak pieces. "No. She wasn't. She had to stand by silently, watching me dance and laugh and dine with another woman. And I have no idea what they might do with her, or what punishment she may be facing. So, if this meeting is over, I will now be returning to Alderaan."

"No," Windu says, holding up his palm. "You have done quite enough damage on that planet."

"This is outrageous! They have likely imprisoned the love of my life," Anakin argues, frustration clear on his face. "I will not stand by and let Y/N be locked away for a crime that I am equally as guilty of."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now