• dealt with accordingly •

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TW: mention of abuse

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Having a Jedi Master for a boyfriend was great. He'd bring you gifts from all the planets he visited, always have countless stories to tell you, and you were proud to have a boyfriend who worked for such an honourable cause. It was a bonus that he was good looking, too.

Jovan Sanct was the perfect boyfriend.

To the outside world, at least.

Behind closed doors, it was a different story. He had a short temper, and wasn't afraid to show it to you. At the start, he was perfect. Gentle, soft-spoken, never a foot out of line. But something changed along the way; perhaps you got a little too complicit or he got a little too comfortable around you. Whatever it was had warped your relationship and created an environment in which he believed it was okay for him to hit you.

It was only occasionally at first. He apologised profusely the first couple of times, even cried as he begged for forgiveness at your feet. But while you became more lenient, he grew more aggressive, just because he knew he could.

Maybe it was your fault for letting him get away with it the first time. Maybe it was your fault for not telling anybody. The signs were all there from the start of your relationship; you just ignored them.

You used to be best friends with Anakin Skywalker. He was the one who introduced you to Jovan. You and Anakin were inseparable since you were kids, but Jovan was always the jealous type. At first, he wanted you to spend less time with Anakin- which was understandable; he just wanted you to himself.

But then he would get angry at the mere mention of Anakin's name. And soon after that, he had forbid you from being friends with him. It killed you to do it, but you drifted away from Anakin. You were too afraid of what Jovan might have done if you didn't do as he said.

It had been eight months since you spoke to Anakin. Eight long months of Jovan's abuse. You hated yourself for staying, but you couldn't find the strength to leave. What would even be the point of leaving?

He'd find you.

You didn't know when it got so bad, but Jovan had become downright sadistic in his actions. He stopped restricting the abuse to your home and began hurting you in public; using the Force to twist your arm or bruise your leg. It was how he'd keep you in order if you ever acted out.

One day, Jovan told you that he was taking you with him to a Jedi party of some kind. It was a feast being held to celebrate the downfall of the Sith. You didn't care for the details; you were just extremely happy to be going at all. Jovan hated taking you to see the other Jedi because he knew Anakin would be there.

Before you entered the hall, he grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him.

"You listen to me, Y/N," Jovan hissed, his face millimetres away from yours. "If I see you talking to Skywalker, you will be dealt with accordingly. Just remember; you're still going to be coming home with me."

You swallowed slightly and nodded quickly. He loosened his grip on your arm and the frown on his face dropped as he smiled. It terrified you how effortlessly he could change his demeanour from malicious to charming within seconds.

"We should go in, I don't want to be late," He said cheerily before leading you into the hall.

The familiar faces almost made you cry. Obi-Wan was the first one you saw, and you remembered how friendly he always was to you.

Jovan dragged you over to the drinks table where he spoke to his friends while you made him his favourite drink. Just before he could take a sip, Obi-Wan arrived.

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now