• he •

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requested by _skywalker33_, thank you for being so patient <3

part 3 of the • him series ! but a little different to the previous 2 installments, as requested

it has been a long minute since we had some smut. enjoy x x x


Things had changed.

Your relationship with Vader, after just six months, had become a catalyst for his emotions. Despite the unspoken rules which decorated the many nights you had spent together, he had allowed himself to travel beyond the restrictions and fall in love with you.

Since that night you spent in his arms, after the revelation of his feelings, you hadn't returned again to his private chambers.

How could you have?

Sex, as a standalone, was a gross transgression from the normalcy that your relationship should have maintained. You had already gone beyond being his General when you lay with him the first time, but the fact that he had developed feelings for you was unheard of.

He was Darth Vader. And you didn't take that lightly.

So, for two months, you had avoided any time alone with him, sticking to your work schedule and only conversing with him over business. His pride disallowed him from asking you why you had begun to avoid him, and he wasn't one to beg- not outside of the bedroom, anyway. This made it easier for you, albeit you were still incredibly frustrated at your distance. Vader was, too, but he was better at hiding his feelings.

"I remember when you first got hired," MT-3192 reminisced as you rode down in the elevator, a chuckle leaving his mouth. "You were so scared of us you didn't eat in the mess hall for a week. You've changed so much over the past eight months."

"Do you think?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm still scared of you guys. The armor is very... intimidating."

MT snorted, shaking his head. "You're not even scared of Lord Vader anymore, let alone us troopers. He is the one I thought you'd have a rough time getting used to, but you seem to have him in the palm of your hands."

You were shocked at his words. Thought it was true that Vader seemed to have a soft spot for you even in public, you didn't think anyone actually knew about your wordless power over him. Even after the dissolving of your sexual relationship, Vader remained obedient to you. "That's not true."

"Can I tell you something?" MT asked, prompting you to nod before he continued with a whisper, "Some days, you scare me more than he does."

Your eyes narrowed, but you were grinning widely. "You're such a liar, MT!"

"I'm not!" He insisted, holding up his hands in surrender. "You've grown into one scary General, General."

"I am anything but scary," You argued before the elevator doors opened and you stormed out, frowning when your eyes landed on Vader and Kaster standing in the cockpit. "What is the meaning of this?" You asked, your tone instantly changing from the friendly chatter with MT to a stern scolding. "Why have we changed course?"

"We had word from our correspondents on Kamino-"

"I was not speaking to you, Kaster," You interrupted her through gritted teeth. Looking at Vader, whose mask hid any emotion he could have been showing, you glared. "You agreed to this idiocy?"

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