• the shorty on fifth floor •

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this was requested on tumblr and i found it cute so i thought i'd post it here too :] <3


Stupid Kenobi.

"Gain some perspective on regular people. Learn to connect with them."

Anakin's a Jedi Master; why should he bother trying to connect with regular people?

Obi-Wan's incessant scolding stemmed from an almost failed mission two months ago. A group of Coruscantians had been kidnapped and held hostage, and all Anakin had to do was get them out through the secret tunnels of the bank while Ahsoka caused a distracted for the robbers. Ahsoka, of course, fulfilled her role flawlessly, and was commended by the Council for her success.

Anakin, on the other hand, was not.

It isn't that he's bad at his job. Rescuing people is practically second nature to him. It's the 'being comforting' part that he finds difficulty with. He was crude, blunt and rushed with the hostages, many of them even going so far as to send holos of complaint to the Council. He wasn't even that bad with them; he was just short on time and maybe a little peeved that Ahsoka was assigned to the more fun part of the mission.

Obi-Wan is adamant that Anakin needs to try and socialize with people who aren't members of the Order or politicians. Professionalism and stoicism is an indicator of wisdom and experience in their line of work, and Obi-Wan is undoubtedly proud of his ex-Padawan for demonstrating those qualities so fluently- but Anakin also needs to develop skills for the outer galaxy.

Social ones, to be more exact.

Anakin isn't happy at all. He begrudgingly makes his way into the city center, where the Coruscant Library sits tall and proud. Holding back a grimace, he takes a deep breath before walking in.

Obi-Wan suggested that, in order to understand regular people, Anakin needs to understand their culture. So he assigned him some homework: reading up on popular literature. This is step one of Obi-Wan's plan to make Anakin the perfect socialite.

When he enters the library, he's disheartened by how busy it is. Deciding to forgo the 'Ancient Romantic Literature' and 'Scientific Comedy' sections, he walks up to the second floor. Finding it to be a bit quieter, he goes up another floor, and another, and another, until blissful silence awaits him.

Ah. Fifth floor, you beauty.

He counts barely three people spread around the floor, each of them with their heads buried in books. Looking up at the signs, he sees that most of this floor is for books about anatomy and medicine.

Not exactly the popular literature Obi-Wan recommended, but it'll do.

He mindlessly strolls through the bookcases, running his fingers over the spines that look the softest. A few titles catch his eye, but nothing makes him stop.

Until he sees you.

You love working at the library.

Okay, maybe 'love' is a strong word.

You like working at the library.

Let's try that again.

Working at the library is like rubbing a wound in bacta liquid; necessary for your survival, but not exactly enjoyable.

It started off as a way to make some extra pocket money while you studied to become a lawyer, but when those plans fell through (because Coruscant Law turned out to be a lot more intense and detailed than you thought), you ended up working here full time.

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now