• as you asked •

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Before Anakin Skywalker met you, Obi-Wan had warned him to keep his guard up. His Master knew you were the exact type of person who'd have Anakin on strings; driving him to the point of near insanity with how infatuated he'd become. But once you and Anakin had become acquainted, it was too late - he had indeed fallen head over heels for you. And you, him.

Unfortunately for the both of you, your paths didn't cross again for a long time.

"You're going to be seeing Y/N after almost seven years," Obi-Wan said cautiously while landing the ship, eyeing Anakin. "Are you sure you're prepared for this?"

"Of course I am," Anakin said with a scoff, though he couldn't deny how anxious he was to himself. "Y/N's only an old friend. Why wouldn't I be ready to see an old friend?"

"Hmm," Obi-Wan hummed, before turning the engine off and patting his knees. "Well, we're here. I'm sure we'll find out whether you're lying or not soon enough."

Anakin reluctantly followed Obi-Wan off of the ship, his heart racing as they got closer and closer to the building.

"Ugh, it's Jedi," A Theelin woman grimaced at the sight of the two men, moving out of the way of the door.

They ignored her glares and walked in, gaining the attention of most of the people in the establishment. Anakin noticed a crowd in one of the corners, and felt an irresistible pull towards it. He knew exactly why he felt it, and didn't even bother attempting to fight the feeling. Obi-Wan followed him with a frown, watching as the crowd slowly moved out of their way.

You were sat at a table, playing cards with some of your friends, when a silence fell over the club. Confused, you looked up from your cards, your breath stolen when your eyes landed on none other than Anakin Skywalker.

"Fuck me," You breathed out, letting out a laugh as you stood up. "Skywie. It's been too long."

"Much too long," He replied, and you noted that his voice had deepened over the years. A shadow of a smirk played at his lips, stirring a feeling in you that you hadn't felt in a long time.

"I didn't think you'd actually come when I got that message," You admitted, throwing your cards down onto the table and looking down at the others. "Carry on without me. I'm out."

"I don't want to disrupt your game," Anakin said with slight concern on his features.

You rolled your eyes and lowered your voice to a hush. "I was losing, anyway." Grabbing Anakin's arm, you pulled him to a quiet booth, and you noticed Obi-Wan was also present. "Two Jedi in my club; it must be my lucky day," You laughed. "To what do I owe the pleasure, gentlemen?"

Obi-Wan sat next to Anakin, his arms resting on the table as he leaned forward, a look of urgency on his face. "I'll get straight to it; we need your help."

You pouted, "And here I thought you just missed me."

"We did," Anakin said quickly, before clearing his throat after Obi-Wan shot him a threatening look.

"Let's catch up before we get into business then," You suggested, raising an eyebrow. "Kenobi, get some drinks in. Tell Rika I said it's on the house."

He seemed reluctant, but nodded before slowly getting up and walking over to the bar, leaving you and Anakin alone. Anakin was looking at you in the same way he did when you first met, pulling you from any thoughts of logic and ration and instead planting you firmly into lust. "You look so handsome, Skywie."

"And you look just as beautiful as I remember," He replied softly, his voice smooth and entrancing.

"Your voice got deeper."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now