• disrespect •

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hi we're pretending social media exists in star wars for the sake of plot convenience okay thank you for your cooperation



Looking through your friends posts from the night before, a whisper of a smile grew on your lips as you saw all the fun they had, but you couldn't ignore the slight sadness stemming from your gut.

You tried to push away those feelings, thinking you were being selfish, but you couldn't deny how left out you felt.

"What's up, womp rat?" Anakin asked as he entered the room before taking a seat next to you on the couch.

You put away your phone and shook your head, offering him a smile. "Nothing."

"You're upset about something," He observed softly, wrapping his arm around your waist before whispering, "Is it because I called you womp rat?"

"No, Anakin, it's not because you called me womp rat," You said with a laugh before sighing. "It's stupid. I'm just being stupid."

"Hey," He whispered, lifting up your chin with his fingers. "If it's making you upset, then it isn't stupid. You wanna talk about it?"

You took in a deep breath, preparing to unload. "It was my birthday last month, and my friends bought me that bottle of liquor. And I was really grateful; they were even thoughtful enough to get my favorite flavor. But... last night was Vicki's birthday, and I just... They really went all out, you know?"

"I saw," Anakin mumbled with a nod.

"It's not that they did it without me; I know it's hard to line up everyone's schedule and at least one of us is bound to not be able to make it," You explained, leaning back on the couch. "It's just that... Vicki's birthday party- I mean, that must've taken them weeks, if not months, to plan. And for mine, they could've bought my gift five minutes before arriving at the restaurant."

Anakin opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off quickly.

"Not that my birthday wasn't amazing - I loved that week in Batuu with you," You said, clutching onto his hand. "It's not about my birthday... I feel like they don't really put in as much effort with me anymore. I mean, most days, they actively ignore me."

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, and you knew it was difficult for him to know what to say.

"You know the worst part?" You asked, as he sat back on the pillow. "Me and Kelsee used to be so close. We've been best friends since we were teenagers, and now... I don't even remember the last time we spoke."

Anakin pulled you onto his lap while laying back, letting you vent to him while a contemplative look flashed on his features.

You looked down and sniffed. "It's so weird and awkward when I'm with them. Sometimes I feel like just asking what's wrong, but I'm afraid they'll start arguing with me so I just stay quiet and sit in the tension. It's unbearable. I don't know what to do."

He took your hand and frowned, "Listen, I-"

"No, Ani, you don't need to give me any advice; I know it's difficult for you to understand. Even I don't understand it," You assured him. "I just need you to hug me."

He complied with your request, pulling you up so you were laying on top of him while he brought his legs up onto the couch. Your head rested on his chest as a few tears escaped your eyes, soaking into his shirt.

"Y/N, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat. Lifting up your head, you frowned at him. "What is it?"

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now