• boyfriend •

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"Come on, Y/N, please?"



"I don't have a good feeling about this," You grumbled as Janie gave you wide eyes filled with hope. "I mean, you met the guy online; he could be a serial killer trying to lure in his prey."

"That's the point of the double date!" She exclaimed, throwing up her hands. "It's a meal at a nice, public restaurant and you'll be there to protect me."

"What if they're creeps who are only trying to get us to go home with them?" You asked with narrow eyes while she paced the floor in front of you. You knew when you let her into your apartment that she'd only want something from you, but you gave her the benefit of the doubt and invited her in anyway. You were beginning to regret that decision.

"Then we won't go home with them," Janie said with a shrug. "It's only the first date; I'm not that type of girl."

"And what if his friend isn't my type?" You asked, trying to find a way out of it. "What if it's horrifically awkward and we end up spending three hours with a pair of absolute wet wipes?"

"Then we leave!" She exclaimed, before jumping back onto the couch next to you. "When's the last time you went on a date? You've been in a rut ever since you and Tyr-"

"Do not say his name," You muttered gravely, your hand on her arm. 

"I really want to meet this guy, he seems really nice," She whined, giving you the look she knew would force you to give in. "He might even be the one. All I ask is that you come along, keep his friend happy, and get a free meal out of it for your time."

You sighed, knowing she wouldn't relent until you agreed. "Fine."

"This place is a little fancy for a first date, no?" You asked as you looked around the dimly lit lounge, decorated with black and gold furnishings. There was a large bar area to the right, and a small waiting area where you and Janie were standing while the host found your booking.

"It's nice," Janie said, practically bouncing off the walls as she grinned with excitement. "I'm getting so nervous."

You looked down at your dress, sighing in discontent. Janie had forced you into a flowy red dress with a slit in the leg paired with some black heels. You hadn't dressed this way for months, and you didn't miss it.

"You can go straight through to your table, Ma'am," The host said with a warm smile as a waiter approached. "The other guests have already arrived."

You followed the waiter through the main dining area, and past all the tables which slightly confused you. The waiter turned back at you with an excited smile, his eyes filled with delight. "We give all our VIPs the private rooms to dine in; I hope you enjoy your extra special experience tonight here at Vienna."

You frowned and pulled on Janie's arm before whispering, "VIP?"

She ignored you, keeping her face straight as she continued walking.

"Janie," You said gravely, dread filling you. "Who exactly is this man you're talking to?"

"He's nice," She insisted, the smile on her face never faltering. "And so is his friend, I'm sure." Her words didn't do much to reassure you, and a million thoughts ran through your head as you approached the private rooms. 

"Here you go, ladies," The waiter said before opening up the door, and you braced yourself for the worst. You timidly followed Janie into the room and saw the two men stand up, before shock hit you.

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