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You hated your older sister. Ever since you were kids, she criticised everything you did and just generally loved putting you down. Your father ruled as King of Bespin, and being the younger sibling, you were never to become Queen. And Anilla never failed to remind you of this, as she was next in line. 

When your parents died, Anilla was crowned Queen. You were sick of her controlling your every move and rubbing her power in your face, so you moved to Coruscant to work for the Jedi. You had always admired their values, so it made sense for you to join them in their fight against the Sith.

Thinking you had left behind your old life, you were finally happy. You had risen in the ranks and become an assistant to the Council, advising them on what action to take whenever an issue arose. You had also become close with Anakin Skywalker; the most gorgeous specimen you had ever come across. You were flirty with each other, but since he was a Jedi you never risked taking it any further.

It was a rough time when he had to provide security for Anilla. You couldn't believe that, yet again, she had gotten what you wanted, and it seemed that the two of them became really close.

Thankfully, once Palpatine was defeated, the threat on Anilla's life was removed so she didn't need the Jedi's protection anymore. You were getting sick of seeing her float through the corridors with Anakin right behind her, protecting her with his life. 

Once the war was over, you were incredibly relieved - Anakin would finally be all yours again, without Anilla on his arm. And he was. For three months, as the Jedi Order undid the devastation that Palpatine caused, you and Anakin became thicker than thieves and spent all your spare time together.

One day, you got to work with a spring in your step, excited to see him after a week-long mission he had spent on Hoth. When you got to the Council building, however, you were shocked to see none other than your sister. Your heart all but dropped as you saw her speaking to Anakin, her hand placed on his bicep as she giggled at something she said. 

You were filed with dread and dejection. Just as you started to cross the line between friendship and love with Anakin, she was back to drive a wedge between you. 

You shook your head and instead made your way to Obi-Wan, who knew of your disdain for your older sister.

"Good morning, Y/N," He greeted with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"Spare me the bullshit; what the fuck is Anilla doing here?" You asked as the meeting room began to fill up with the the other council members.

Obi-Wan sighed. "Queen Anilla wanted to visit us to see how the Jedi are doing after the war."

You rolled your eyes, "She did nothing to help us three months ago, and just sat on all those resources. We could've been back on our feet in a week if she helped-"

"Y/N!" You heard her shrill voice call out from behind you, making you roll your eyes. You turned around to see her with her arms wide open before she pulled you in for a tight hug. "It's been too long!"

"Not long enough," You mumbled as she pulled away.

"How have you been?" She asked, a fake smile plastered onto her face. She was only acting so nice because you were in the presence of others.

"Good," You replied bluntly. "You?"

"Oh, I was just telling Anakin about the growing Shaak population in the forest near the palace," Anilla explained, her hand once again resting on Anakin's arm. "They scare away the other wildlife, so we've had to send out some hunters."

You frowned at her words. "Hunters? Why? If you told me, I could have sent some transportation to move them somewhere else - you don't have to kill them-"

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now