• irresistible •

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You were raised as a Jedi. You adhered to their every rule, accepted each restriction and appreciated all protocol. Obeying the system was second nature to you, because it was what was right and good for the galaxy. 

Why, then, was your soul being drowned in conflict?

How, then, could this one man have caused you to consider the inconsiderable? 

What, then, was left for you to do but give in to his manipulation?

If it was so easy for his charm and prowess to hold you captive in his games, perhaps there was nothing left to do but let him take you. 

And as you stood there, in the dark, cold room, made warm only by the fear that had drenched you, he asked you whether or not you had made your choice. But you knew that he was already aware of exactly what you were thinking.

Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his presence behind you, the sheer density of his power radiating off his body and wrapping around you. Glad that you were facing away from him so as to make it easier to hide your fear, you shut your eyes, knowing that at any minute his skin could come into contact with yours and set your nerves alight. "I have made my decision, Master," You managed to muster up the strength to say, your legs shaking as you willed them not to buckle beneath the weight of your choice.

He chuckled, closing the gap between your bodies as he moved incredibly close to you, his lips almost pressed to your ear. "Me knew yousa wouldn't disappoint mesa, Jedi."
The burden of betraying the Jedi Order rested heavy on your chest. Inside, you had become the very thing you fought to destroy, but on the outside you had to keep up the façade. 

"Count Dooku's tyranny comes to an end with the destruction of his base," Obi-Wan announced as you stood opposite him around the briefing room table. Anakin stood to the right of you, Windu to the left and Yoda floating between Obi-Wan and Windu, the five of you planning your next move.

"We should be able to triangulate his location and zero on in him before the night's end," Windu added with a nod. "Obi-Wan, prepare the clones. Anakin, Y/N; brief Captain Rex and prepare your ship. The two of you will travel together and ahead of the rest, to ensure that Dooku remains unaware of our attack until it is too late for him to prepare his defense."

Your mind was elsewhere while Anakin talked Rex through the plan. Though it was your instinct to obey orders, there was a new force within you, tempting you to stray.

"Ready to go?" Anakin asked you, pulling you from your thoughts.

You slowly nodded, "I think so."

"We're about to finally take down Dooku; you should be a lot more excited," He noted, narrowing his eyes at you.

Letting out a laugh, you forced a wider smile onto your face. "I am excited."

Anakin then moved closer to you, placing his hand on the small of your back as his lips neared your ears. "At least we'll get some alone time."

Although a few months earlier, you would have been ecstatic to hear him say that, now it only scared you. Especially when you saw Jar Jar staring you down from the other end of the hangar where he was speaking to Obi-Wan.

"Me'm so lucky to be-sa let on this-a mission," He said cheerily, though you could now sense the darkness beneath his innocent exterior. Every glance at you was heavy with subtext; each fleeting glimpse of his yellow orbs telling you that your soul was his.

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now