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L u n a ' s  P o v

ack, it's so bright out already. I squint my eyes as I drive into the other lane, using one hand to turn while the other feels for some sunglasses. I was starting to lose hope, thinking I had forgotten them on my bed, but I eventually felt a pair. A sigh of relief left my lips as I put them on, somewhat helping the sun from absolutely destroying my sight.

"answer me, answer me, answer me, it's your favourite, answer the call loser, answer me-"

"gahh, nick! you changed my ringtone for you again!" I groaned, grabbing my phone to answer the idiot's call.


"quit fucking with my ringtones for your stupid contact!! I will remove your number and block it. I swear to god Nicholas, I will kill you," I yell at him as I put him on speaker.

There was silence as I drove. I let out a deep sigh, waiting for nick to talk eventually.

"so.. are you gonna yell at me when you see me??" he spoke, with some sass in his voice.

"nick... it's not very nice having your phone scream at you while you are driving.. especially when it's unexpected," I say between my teeth.

I can hear him giggling on the other end, and I roll my eyes. I ended up smiling and laughing with him. His giggles ended up progressing into a laughing fit. I can hear him typing on his keyboard for his computer, and I let him be.

"I'll be there soon, so you better be ready, loser," I say to him. I could hear him moving around, but he didn't answer.

We ended up staying on the call together but not talking, which was weird, but I think he muted himself. I'm not sure what he does in his free time, but he's spoken of gaming, and he will invite me to our own Minecraft world now and then, but that's about it. As I got closer to his house, I warned him, and he hung up. I was shocked at the sudden hangup, and I stared at my phone for a few seconds.

"What a drama queen, I swear.." I said to myself as I shook my head.

I pulled up to his house, and I grabbed my phone to text him. He responded to it right away, telling me to give him a second. about a minute later, he walked out in his stupid everyday outfit. I unlocked the door, and he got in. I opened my mouth to say hi, but he beat me to speak.

"don't yell at me. I'm hungry," Nick spoke, hooking his phone up to my aux cord.

I looked at him, scrunched my eyebrows together as I glared at him. he looked up from his phone and looked over at me. His facial expression changed when he saw how I was looking at him, and he looked confused and annoyed at the same time.

"What is your deal? Why do you look so mad all of a sudden?" nick asked, turning down the volume so we could talk without yelling.

"I was going to be nice and say hi to you, but you instantly shut me down and told me not to yell at you. The way you told me not to yell at you made me feel like your mom whos not impressed with her daughter. you being the shithead daughter." I sighed and started to drive while Nick laughed at my explanation.

"why a daughter? I would be the son because I'm a male, you idiot," he says as he's coming down from his laughing high.

I shake my head again from him. Sometimes he's so stupid I genuinely can't comprehend it even though he wasn't even trying to be dumb or anything. I think it's just his presents and the vibes go from bright to dumb because he's here. I love him so much, though, and it's always a joy to have him around because he knows what to say and doesn't even have to try to be funny, which is one of my favourite things about Nicholas.

"so, are you going to get me my fav food?" he asks, breaking me out of thought.

"well, that depends. Am I going to yell at you for your choice of place to get food?" I glance over at him as I drive down the road.

"well, I hope not since you like that place too, and ill even buy you food just because I'm feeling nice and generous, so ill get you food as well. But nothing that is over $15.00 because that's a bit much for food, and I don't love you that much," Nick tells me, as I laughed at him.

For the rest of the ride, we just talked about random stuff like music, and then we got on the topic of swimming, and he started bullying me since I don't know how to swim. While he was in the middle of roasting me, his phone started to ring. He looked at it and shook his head, and he unplugged his phone from the aux and answered it, holding it up to his ear.

"what the hell do you want? I told you I was out, you dumbass." he annoyingly spoke to the person on the phone.

My eyes were wide open hearing him talk to this mysterious person. I tried to listen to what the other person was saying on the other end, but they weren't talking very loudly.

"Listen, big Q. I already said I will after. I am out with a friend hanging out because I am allowed to do that bitch."

"nick! Don't be so mean. Oh my god.." I finally spoke up, staring at him as he looked at me with wide eyes.

He was silent for a second or two until he started to speak to the other person, trying to talk over them, it seemed.

"yes, that was a female, yes I have a friend whos a girl, and yes, she called me nick, you dumbass, it's my name. I am not dating her!" he yells the last part.

I can now hear the person on the phone since they started yelling back, it seems.

"sapnap has a girlfriend chat! Oh my god! Blow up Twitter and get the tag # sapnap has a girlfriend trending." and then I heard lots of laughter from just that one person.

"chat, don't you dare. She's not my girlfriend. I hate you so much, and I'm not going to join now when I get home because of that. You lost a jack box member now, and it's all your fault Big Q." nick spoke, and I had no clue what he was talking about.

I parked, and I tapped his shoulder, and he looked at me.

"aye, I gotta go because we are getting food and going to hang out. Goodbye bitch boys." and with that, he hung up without listening to the other person.

I looked at him as he quickly opened Twitter, and I saw his phone was getting blown up. I was so beyond confused at everything that just happened. who the hell is 'Big Q'? whos 'chat'? Why did the person on the phone call him 'sapnap'? I have so many questions for nick, I swear. What is he hiding from me, and is it that big that I can't even know?

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