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karl smiles at me softly and i take his hand, closing my eyes tightly. he takes me out of the car and closes the door, making me walk around somewhere. i have one hand out, moving around just in case he does try to pull something on me, while the other is gripping his hand tightly.

"you don't have to put your arm out like that, you look stupid." karl laughs causing me to chuckle.

"i don't want to run into anything.." i slowly lower my arm.

we come to a stop and i could hear karl take a deep breath. he lets go of my hand and i frantically move my arm around trying to find his again.

"just stay there for a second.. and open!"

i opened my eyes cautiously and when they were opened fully i was frozen in place, trying to take everything in. karl was standing a few feet in front of me by a tree that was beautiful and large. there were flower petals all over the grass from the tree and behind him there was a blanket and a bunch of other stuff but i was trying to process everything.

"surprise luna!" karl smiles brightly, holding flowers as well.

"i– karl. oh my god.. wow. i am at a loss of words.." i bring a hand up to my mouth.

karl walks towards me and takes my free hand and holds it. my eyes were watering from all of this and i just stare at him in amazement.

"i did this for you and i. do you like it?" he smiles softly.

i just nod and i grab him, pulling him into me smiling with little happy tears falling from my eyes. he wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly as i choke out a laugh in between cries.

"karl.. i'm overwhelmed but it's a good one. i can't believe you did this.." i wipe my eyes, still hugging karl.

"what can i say, i can be kinda romantic sometimes even though i may not seem like it." he chuckles, pulling me away to wipe my cheeks.

i grab his hand and i stare at him. man, he is just winning my heart– it was always his i'm coming to realize. he brushes my hair out of my face and takes my hand into his, bringing me over towards everything.

"i got us some cake and some wine glasses because i saw people eat the cake by putting their cups into the cake– it sounds stupid but i hope you know what i mean." karl laughs as he tries to explain to me his idea.

i already knew since i've seen it on tiktok, i just wanted to hear him try to explain it.

"i got us some sandwiches, i got fruits since i like them and i got you veggies since you like them more, there is water in the car but i brought wine even though i don't drink it, i'm willing to try with you. i don't think i'll have a lot since i gotta drive but you can go for it even though you already had some stuff to drink earlier." karl explains everything he got to me, not realizing i wasn't paying attention to that.

he looks around and then points at the view i was impressed about. we were sitting on a blanket and i was just trying to comprehend all of this from him.

"we got a few of everything. we came at a good time since the sun is setting.. we can watch it set. i also got something else that's behind the tree.. i'll go get it." karl gets up and runs to the tree, pulling out a telescope?!

"did you buy a telescope?!" i sit up on my knees.

"dream actually let me use it since we all know you are a little star freak, it's not a bad thing don't worry, so when it's dark out and all of the stars are out, we can also look at the moon with it. the tree will light up too since it's decorated!" he smiles so proudly.

streamers (karl jacobs x female character)Where stories live. Discover now