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L u n a ' s P o v

"please no more drama.. i miss having a boring life.." i mumble to myself.

i rolled over to look at my window to see if it's sunny out, which to my conclusion it is not. i sit up and i walk over to my window, pulling my curtains back revealing the rain pouring down from the grey sky. i frown at the gloomy weather and i could just tell this day is gonna be a long one.

"oh well.. i like the rain." i try to think of the positive side of things.

i grab my phone to see if anyone texted me but i was shocked to see no messages from anyone. i shrug it off and decided that today will be an offline kind of day. only using electronics for music and music only. since the gloomy weather made the house cold, i needed to dress for the appropriate temperature. i found some black sweatpants and a comfortable hoodie laying around my room.

"whole house clean.. let's do this." i grab out what i needed.

i found a speaker and i placed it in the middle of the house and i turned that shit up all the way basically. i went to the bathroom and threw away things that were old, expired, empty or just things i didn't need anymore. i reorganized the shelves and i did a deep clean of the bathtub, floor and toilet. i cleaned off the skin and i wiped the mirror down staring at my reflection.

"gosh you are dumb." i say to myself.

i continue to clean the floors while i let the bathtub and toilet sit with the chemicals in it. i leave the bathroom with the fan on since the chemicals started to get overwhelming and i make my way to the spare bedroom. since i was still upset, i ended up throwing away so many things i probably wouldn't have thrown away when i wasn't in this kind of mood.

"wow this room is actually big.." i look around and i shake my head.

i move on to my next room and time fly's by and it's now supper time basically. i managed to clean 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, the kitchen, living room and the laundry room. i was really proud of myself and i sit down taking a moment to relax since i didn't feel as upset anymore. i close my eyes to relax even more and i just take some nice deep and long breaths.

"i can't believe i just did all of that because i'm sad." i sit up and look around.

i stand up and i grab a jacket to wear so i can go outside to throw away all the garbage i had. i opened the door and i prepared myself to go outside in the cold. i grab the garage bags and i walk outside. it was pouring harder than it did a few hours ago and i throw the bags away. i walk back into my house and i take my jacket off. i was drenched, the jacket did nothing to keep me not wet.

"oh my god.." i mumble to myself as i walk to the bathroom to grab a towel.

i dry myself off a bit and i end up changing into different clothes since my other ones were wet. i grab my phone and i look at my notifications i got since i've been gone. i had a few texts, snaps, and some missed calls. i noticed karl called but i was hesitant to call back since he only called 5 minutes ago. i ended up calling him back because my curiosity got the best of me.


"hey karl, i saw you called. i haven't been on my phone at all today i'm sorry." i apologize to him.

"no no don't worry. i thought you were just busy so i didn't bother spamming you with calls." he tells me.

"i've just been cleaning my house. um, can i ask why you called me so randomly? i'm not angry or anything like that, my tone did sound bitchy but i'm just curious i promise." i reassure him.

"i just wanted to talk to you. i feel like we haven't talked much lately and i miss our conversations. i also wanted to talk about everything that happened and tell you how i feel and hopefully you tell me how you feel as well so we can fix this.. also, can we facetime instead?" he says and asks.

"sure, i don't mind. i also want to talk about all the stuff going on. i'll facetime you." i make the facetime call.

he picks up and i was met with karl looking tired. i could see him softly smile at me setting my phone up against my random glass of water beside my bed. i finally have it set up and i just sit there looking at the screen at karl.

"you look pretty."

"thank you, you also look pretty." i tell him.

"don't gotta lie to me luna, i look tired." he chuckles.

i roll my eyes and i look at the screen. he did look tired but he also did look pretty.

"so.. where should we start?" i ask him seeing him sigh.

"i just want to say, i never had any interest in corinna. all she is to me is an internet friend and i can promise you that. i'm sorry i made you upset with her and i was being an asshole about it all i will admit to that." he tells me.

"it's okay, thank you for realizing where you went wrong. i will admit as well, i shouldn't have gotten all close with dream randomly but we set boundaries and we both think only being friends is for the better. i feel bad because i feel like he actually liked me and i just shut him down.." i sigh.

"it's okay. you tried and it didn't work out, i'm just glad you guys are still friends and nothing had happened after." karl half smiles.

he's right about that so i nod my head. we just apologize to each other about everything and we say how we've been feeling and i started to tear up because i really now realized how shitty i was being and how upset karl must've been.

"luna are you okay?" karl asks quickly.

"it's just overwhelming but i'll be fine don't worry. it's been a little crazy obviously these past few days so it's all just hitting me. i'll be okay." i tell him wiping my eyes a bit.

"i wish i was there to comfort you. did anything happen between you and dream at all?"

"no honestly. he was going to kiss me but i couldn't do it which made me feel horrible but he hugged me and told me it's okay. he's a really sweet guy and i hope he will find someone right for him. i just hope you know that you are still the only guy that i've been interested in fully for a very long time." i tell him.

i could see him smile under his hand that covered his mouth. we talk a little more and it seems like we talked about and covered everything that has happened which makes me feel a lot better.

"hey i'm gonna stream on my alt in a bit if you wanna join! dream, corpse, tina, sapnap maybe and emma are gonna be there. i think quackity will join as well." he smiles at me.

"oo, what game are you gonna be playing? also i haven't met some of these people so i'm excited." i get up and walk to my computer.

"they are all really cool people. you will love emma and tina i feel like. very sweet people who will make you feel so welcomed. and corpse is just a babe." karl laughs.

"oh great. i'm excited for this!" i laugh as well.

"so have you ever played gang beasts?"

streamers (karl jacobs x female character)Where stories live. Discover now