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K a r l ' s   P o v

everybody talks started playing and I gasped and jumped out of my chair. I was in a call with sapnap, quackity and George just talking about random stuff. no one was streaming so it was just us hanging out.

"Karl! turn down your music oh my god," sapnap yelled at me.

"I can't hear you, I'm having a great time!" I laughed and danced around to my music.

"this dude.. how do you let him get away with this stuff but you get mad at me?" quackity spoke in a jokingly sad voice.

"because he's the better fiancé." George snickered.

I laughed at George's comment and decided to chime in as well, after singing a line.

"I am both of their favourite fiancé in this relationship." I giggled and caused George to laugh with me.

"quackity let's get married without Karl," sapnap spoke, leaving the call.

"bye ex-fiancé Karl." quackity left after sapnap.

my jaw was dropped and I stared at my screen with wide eyes. we all had our cameras on and George was just starting at his screen with a hand over his mouth, trying to stuff down a laugh. he cleared his voice and started to talk.

"well then... how are you, Karl-"

"I WAS LEFT BY NOT ONE, BUT BOTH OF MY FIANCÉ'S. WHAT THE HONK!!" I yelled and fell back onto my chair.

"Karl you are gonna fall!" George yelled moments before I did.

I leaned too far back on my chair and I fell backwards, landing hard on the ground. it was silent for a moment until I let out a loud yell.

"hey guys were back- KARL WHAT THE FUCK!" quackity bursts out laughing.

"Karl what the hell?! George what did you do!" sapnap yells as well.

"AHHHHHHHHH. YOU BOTH LEFT ME AND I FELL OFF MY CHAIR." I yelled, laying on the floor with my chair on me.

"Karl we love you. you are still our fiancé!" sapnap spoke.

I continued to lay on the floor but I eventually got up to talk to them for a bit longer.

"so sapnap, when are you flying me out?" I spoke as I took a sip out of a monster can.

"soon, like next week if you'd like. dream will be gone for the week your here sadly so you still won't know what dream looks like." sapnap laughs.

"well, then I can just meet L instead." I raised an eyebrow and crushed my empty can, throwing it behind me.

the call was silent and sapnap looked like he was at a loss for words. quackity had his eyebrows up and he was struggling to hold back what he was gonna say and George looked like he was about to pass out.

"you aren't going to meet L." sapnap finally spoke, breaking the silence.

I groaned and leaned back, but not far enough for me to fall off. quackity just laughs and George is sleeping on his chair.

"he fell asleep. let's wake him up-"

george's phone started ringing which startled all of us and George just groaned and sat up looking at his phone.

"Hello?" he spoke in such a tired tone.

everyone on the call was silent and we kept making eye contact through the screen.

"dream leave me alone. I'm going to bed- WHAT THE HELL?" George looks at his screen to see the 3 of us covering our mouths.

all of us burst out laughing at his reaction and he muted himself and kept talking to dream. he hung up and unmuted, glaring at his camera.

"I'm going to bed. goodnight," George spoke, about to hang up.

"hey did dream call you to say goodnight?" sapnap giggled.

George didn't say anything and he just left making sapnap laugh even more. the 3 of us spoke for a little bit until quackity said he had to go run some errands. it was now just the two, sapnap and I on call.

"so when will I be able to meet L? she sounds really interesting," I spoke, catching sapnaps attention.

"Karl, you don't even know her and you are already simping for her." sapnap shook his head as he stretched.

"Okay, but when will I be able to come and see you? like what time next week? or can I make an appearance a little bit earlier?" I suggested, not being serious.

"sure, I can talk to dream about it- I'll just text him actually." sapnap pulls out his phone.

it was quiet for the next little bit while sapnap texted dream. I heard him sigh and set his phone down, causing me to look over at my screen.

"what did he say?" I asked, eager to know.

"so, bad and good news. which do you want first?" sapnap looked up at the camera.


"you better get packing because your flight is tomorrow," he spoke.

my eyes widened and I shook my head.

"wait wait wait.. seriously?!" I gasped.

he just nodded and a huge smile crept on his face and he laughed at my reaction.

"oh my god okay, what time tomorrow?!" I ask standing up.

"like lunchtime, I dunno. dream will text you." he shrugged.

I jumped up and down and I told him I'm going to start packing now, leading us to end our call together. I got super happy, I ran out of my room to grab a suitcase and I start packing for my trip.

"holy hell I'm gonna actually hangout with sapnap, in person," I said to myself as I folded and shoved clothing into my bag.

I finished packing my big stuff and I cleaned up the rest of my room from the mess I just created. I get in my bed since it's already 2 am now and I don't want to be groggy in the morning for my flight, I might rent a car while I'm in Florida too.

"no way this is happening. I can't even sleep and I need to. I feel like I'm vibrating." I spoke out loud smiling widely.

I tried to close my eyes and power off but I couldn't. I pulled out my phone and saw it has only been 3 minutes. I groan and sit up looking around my room, and I find a ds sitting on the floor. I widen my eyes and I hop out of bed to grab it and play on it to hopefully get tired enough I can sleep.

"Mario cart it is." I smiled as the ds turned on.

I started playing which only felt like 30 minutes but when I felt tired and checked my phone, it said 5 am. I jumped up and looked out my window and it showed the sky wasn't such a dark blue anymore and it's now getting lighter.

"oh my god. what have I done."

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