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K a r l ' s P o v

helping luna pick out an outfit was simple but at the same time difficult because she wouldn't stop asking me where we were going and how it would make it a lot easier if i told her.

"just remember, this isn't until later. we still have like 2 hours till then." i retell luna who stares at the clothing on her bed.

"i know i know.. i'll be sober by then i hope you know. i'm like sober now as well. but if you tell me where we are going i won't be all annoyed and irritated.. karl i'm begging please where are we going?! do i have to dress fancy, casual, formal, comfortable.. TELL ME!!" luna shakes me.

"wear this and put this over top and wear these pants because they make your butt look nice. this shirt is comfortable and you can tuck it into your pants or let it hang out since it's just a tad bigger. i can lend you my jacket if you get cold or if you get hot you can take this off.. does that help you?!" i run out of breath.

luna stared at me and she had a smirk grow on her face. i was trying to catch my breath but she grabs me by my shirt and pulls me down to her level, staring me in the eyes.

"oh karl.. you are amazing." she smiles and kisses me.

i hold her face and kiss her back, relaxing my body. we pull away and she grabs the clothing i took out and told her to wear. she takes off her shirt and my eyes widen at the sight of her just stripping. i try and force my eyes to stay up but they will wonder down and look at her skin. it looks so smooth to touch- it is smooth to touch actually..

"karl now your the one staring.." luna blushes and turns around.

"sorry.. i tried to not look but i couldn't help it. did i make you uncomfortable-"

"can you unhook my bra for me? you didn't make me uncomfortable don't worry.. seeing your eyes wander around my body only makes me feel more confident." luna looks back at me with blush still along her cheeks.

her back was to me and her shirt was off. she asked me to unhook her bra and i could feel myself stiffen. i bring my arms up and i place my hands on her shoulder blades, having luna shiver at the contact. i hook my finger along her band and i carefully unhook the bra, seeing it go apart. her spine was poking through her skin and i ran my finger along it.

"karl that tickles.." luna wiggles a bit.

"sorry.." i smile and i run my hand down her skin.

she had paler skin compared to avery. you could tell avery was the sibling who was outside more than the other. luna had moles covering her back and i ran my finger across everyone i could spot, connecting the dots. i could see the hairs stand up and goosebumps on her skin but she only leaned more into my touch which made me smile. she had her arms over her chest and just let me continue to run my finger along her back.

"do you like my spots..?" luna asks quietly.

i hum in agreement and she nods softly. i place my hands on her waist and then i wrap them around, pulling her into my body to hug. she leans into me and i could feel her body relax.

"can i hug you?" luna asks.

"of course you can luna.. what kind of silly question is that?" i chuckle a bit.

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