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L u n a ' s P o v

"jump! come on tobio." i was playing around with my cat while i waited for someone to text me.

i found the page karl wrote in and what he wrote was so simple but funny.

k a r l : ]
     h E r E   I s   m y   n u m b E r
c a L L  m E  a t  7 : D

pssst. w h y d I d n ' t t h E E n d E r m a n c r o s s t h E r o a d ??
b E c a u s E h E t E l E p o r t E d !!

i just laugh to myself about his enderman joke and how creative it was. my phone chimed beside me and i lean over to see what it was. it was karl who responded. a smile crept on my face as i read his message out loud so tobio can be apart of it.

karl :]
i'm with my friend right now and he's being such a dweeb. he won't give me a big hug and it's making me sad :[

luna (:
how dare he! if i were you, i'd do a sneak attack and jump on his back to give him a big hug!!

karl :]
you smart gal!! i'll record it for you to show you his reaction because i bet it would be priceless!!

luna (:
that is awesome, i'm hoping he wasn't to mad or upset with you over me :/

karl :]
don't worry, he forgave me right away and surprised me with a big surprise!

luna (:
omg what was it?

karl :]
he told me his roomie wasn't going to be around when i came by and i've never seen what he looked like then he blindfolded me and i took it off a little bit later and BOOM

karl :]
there stands mr no face smiling at me!! i was so happy i called him hot by accident XD

luna (:
that is hilarious omg. i bet your friends reaction was funny seeing you reacts the way you did

karl :]
he recorded my reaction! he got me calling him hot!! luna that's so embarrassing!

luna (:
hey now, don't be embarrassed! i call my friends hot all the time :) as long as you guys knew each other before and everything, i'm sure he was find and laughed about your feelings towards his appearance

luna (:
i also bet you made mr no face happy about calling him hot. i'm sure he smiled and blushed at such a compliment

karl :]
you know, you are absolutely right luna. you are good at making me feel not embarrassed which is really nice

luna (:
well i'm glad i can help with that! now get off your phone and socialize with your friend since you already saw and talked to me earlier!!

karl :]
sorrry! sorry! i will, i'll text you later

karl :]
bye luna :]

luna (:
bye karl :)

i set my phone down with a fat smile on my face and i looked at tobio who was staring at me.

"what! can i not be all smiley at my phone?" i giggled and rubbed his head gently.

he purred into my hand and i kept my smile on my face. my phone chimed again, but this time it was a chime i gave nick. i lean over and see what he said and i shake my head.

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