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L u n a ' s  P o v

back to back questions. I was probably overwhelming nick, but I don't care at this point. I want to know more about him even though we are best friends and it seems like we barely know each other.

"who the hell is Big Q??" I started with first.

"he's just one of my online friends, his name is Alex, but we call him Big Q for shits and giggles," he answered quickly, meaning he was honest.

"who's chat? I heard Alex say chat, and you said it as well," I said to him. I have no idea who the chat was or what it is.

"Alex does videos or lives, and the people watching is chat. You can call them fans, but, personally, I wouldn't say I like calling them that because they are more than that to us, they don't know it. But we call them chat because they can also text during the lives." he tells me, slightly educating me on what chat was.

"Okay, now my last question. why did Alex call you sapnap?" I asked lastly, genuinely confused about the nickname.

"Luna, you ask too much. But um, it's like how I said Alex's name is Big Q, mine is sapnap. They rarely never call me nick or Nicholas because it makes us all cringe since we are so used to calling each other our online names." he explains, fumbling over words here and there.

I stared at him as he looked at his phone. Those are such weird names to call each other. I understand nicknames but sapnap? Where did that name even come from, and why is it sapnap?

"wanna head inside? As I said, I'll pay for your food." nick breaks me out of thought.

I nod, and we get out. I keep thinking about Alex, or Big Q, I should say, since they never call each other their actual names. We walk inside, and nick tells me to find a spot and text him my order.

"I'm going to be in the back, okay? don't miss me too much." I walk away from him, hearing him scoff.

I find a spot, and I sit down. I text him my order, and he responds with a thumbs up. I open my games folder, and I play subway surfers while I wait for our food. It's been about 10 minutes, and I hear someone walking over.

"they made our stuff decently fast this time." nick laughs and sits down.

He hands me my things, and I thank him. We were talking about random stuff like our family and how they were doing since he asked. His phone starts to ring, and he pulls it out of his pocket and stares at the screen, and he declines and sets his phone down on the table.

"who was it? You could've answered it, yanno," I say, taking a bite out of a group of fries.

"the person calling is another friend, and he was probably going to harass me. Next time he calls, you should answer." he laughs and eats his food.

Not even a minute later, his phone rings again. I read the name, and it says 'gogy. 'he looks up at me with a mouth full of food and nods to me, signalling me to answer his phone. I shake my head no aggressively, and he nods yes. The phone stops ringing, and we stare at it.

"idiot, you should've answered!" he laughs at me.

"no, oh my god! It's not my phone, and I don't know this person! Could you not put me under pressure like that? you are the idiot here, not me." I defend myself, also yelling back.

His phone rings once again, but from a new person yet again.

"answer it, damnit!" I get annoyed at him, and he picks up his phone, answers it and puts it on speaker.

"sapnap, you suck pp," he yells at him.

"you know what, Karl, I'll cancel our plans as well. You need me for your stream. I am the funny one, so I wouldn't be telling me I suck di-"

"shut up, oh my god." I stopped him from finishing his sentence since people were staring at us.

The person on the other end went silent, and nick started to clean up his mess since he was finished his food surprisingly. I quickly cleaned up, and he brought the phone up to his ear to talk to the person.

"she's not my girlfriend.. she's my best friend. Also, this is going to hurt your feelings, but I don't care! She's a top priority compared to you and quackity." nick told the person on the phone.

I stared at him with wide eyes as I was shocked about what he said. I'm top priority? he kept saying how I'm amazing and always there to call and never get mad at him- which was an absolute lie.

"I'm not going to tell you her name! You will search her up on Instagram and try to fall in love with her, you dummy. I won't let you date my best friend, and she's like a sister to me."

"a sister??" I repeated quietly to him.

He looked at me with a faint smile and nodded. I couldn't help but jump on him to hug him. He's never been so sweet to me and let alone call me something like his sister! I was so overwhelmed and happy I was tearing up. He noticed and told the person he was leaving.

"Ayo, you good?! did you hurt yourself jumping on me?" he quickly asked.

"no, I'm just happy you think of me as your sister. I'm just overwhelmed and happy, that's all." I smiled at him as I wiped the faint tears in my eyes.

He laughs, and we leave the food place. We get in, and I still think about what he said. 'i won't let you date my best friend. She's like a sister to me.' I kept playing over and over in my head.

"you get emotional over the weirdest things. All I said was you are my best friend, and you are a sister to me. Why did you cry over that?" nick asked, slightly laughing at me for being emotional.

"listen! You've never said something like that about me to someone before so of course, I'm going to get all emotional! you also know that I have such a soft spot for anything, and I will get sensitive over the smallest things." I laugh and wipe my eyes that are still watering.

He shakes his head with a smile, and I finally start to drive. We don't do much for the rest of the day besides talking and watching tiktoks on our phones. I drop him off at home, and we say our goodbyes.

"bye, luna the lunatic! I hope you have a great rest of your night doing nothing except crying over the fact I called you my sister and best friend." nick says as he gets out.

"goodbye, Nicholas, the ridiculous! Much love to you as well, and I will be doing more than crying! I will be thinking about it, but I won't cry!" I yelled and laughed as he walked away.

We waved goodbye, and I waited for him to get inside his house. As soon as he got in, he did one last wave before emerging into his dark home. I was tired from being with him all day, but it was entertaining to see him again. I still want to know who all these mystery people are that he's friends with, but in a way, I like not knowing since it's funny seeing him try to explain to me who they are without actually telling me who they are. he does trust me though, right?

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