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L u n a ' s P o v

getting used to seeing another male in my house was weird, even though all he was doing was waiting to text his friend. he was really nice and even helped me set up and make my new computer look cool.

"this is epic wow. thank you so much karl." i looked at the new set up.

"anytime! you are really cool i have to say. i wouldn't mind hanging out to get to know each other more." karl smiled at me.

"yeah, i mean my cat likes you so that's even better." i laughed.

he sat down in my chair and i flopped on my bed, expecting tobio to jump up and lay on me but he didn't come. i sat up and noticed tobio in karl's lap, sleeping almost. karl was petting him gently and carefully. i watched as he played with his ears softly, causing tobio to sleep.

"this is a very adorable cat. what made you come up with the name tobio?" he asked, looking up at me.

i felt a slight panic as he asked that. i didn't want to geek out on him over anime so i fumbled over my words.

"um, tobio is this one characters name from this anime i watched." i quickly spoke.

"oh i think i know what anime. is it the volleyball one.. um what's it called.. oh! haikyuu?" he smiled.

my jaw dropped and i nodded my head.

"you watch anime?" i asked him.

he nods and smiles. i felt like 1000 pounds of anxiety or something lift of my shoulders and chest because i don't have to hide my weeb side to someone, even though i have nick, but sometimes he just laughs at me.

"i might weeb out so please feel free to tell me to stop. but have you watched death note?" i asked again.

"oh yeah! when you introduced yourself to me and you said L i instantly thought of L from death note but i didn't say anything because i didn't want to weeb out myself." he laughs causing me to laugh as well.

"yeah, i just came up with it on the spot so it didn't have any meaning behind it really. i just watched death note the other day so L came to mind. i love him wow." i laugh and flop backwards.

karl just laughs and i feel myself blush. this is a dude i met like an hour or two ago and i'm blushing over him?! what is wrong with me. snap out of it.

"oh shoot, i should probably text my friend. he's probably worried about me and thinks i'm dead somewhere." karl spoke in a panicked voice.

i got up so he didn't have to and i handed him his phone. he texted his friend and sighed.

"did he text you a bunch?" i asked.

"yeah. i have like 38 messages from him plus calls and a few from his roommate that i'm also friends with. i told him i am just chilling at someone's house that i know so i don't scare him that badly." he sets his phone down and sighs.

"will you need some gas or anything for your jeep?" i sit down back on my bed.

"maybe, but i kinda like hanging out here. you are really cool luna." karl smiles up at me.

i just shake my head and i smile back at him. i am never like this when i'm around nick, but this new boy that came into my house, i am all shy and nervous around but yet i feel like i can open up about my whole life to him.

"so tell me about yourself while we wait for my friend to respond." karl looks down at tobio.

"well, i really like to play video games. my favourite games to play are minecraft, skyrim and need for speed. i kind of like to read but i struggle with it, but that doesn't matter. i like to play piano, i used to play saxophone also um.. i like anime a lot and i watch it all the time." i told karl.

he was actually paying attention to me which shocked me. he seemed super interested in what i was talking about and all i was talking about was me, how is that interesting?

"oh cool! you are so much cooler than me oh my god. but i like to play minecraft too! anime is cool and i'll watch it as well, i even have a death note." he gives me a funny face.

"oh my god no way, which death note? light's or misa's?" i stand up and walk over to my desk.

"lights, do you have one too?!" he spins to look at me.

i smile and pull out a death note that was the one from misa. his eyes widen and he asks to look at it. i hand it to him with a little laugh and he looks up at me.

"don't be surprised if you see a shinigami beside me." i joke around.

he laughs and covers his mouth. i smile because he laughed at my stupid joke and it made me feel good. he looked at the book and opened it.

"you might see passwords and stuff so ignore those." i squat down next to him.

"woah you can draw?!" he looks at a picture i drew.

my eyes widen and i close the book.

"no more looking! you didn't see that." i grab it away from him.

he just laughs at my actions and i cover my face.

"i will get bored and try to draw in this book, so ignore that as well." i put the notebook away.

"don't hide your talent away! those were really good, and i need to see that book again for a second.. and may i get a pen?" he looks up at me with his green-grey eyes.

i sigh and pull out the notebook again, finding a coloured pen because why not. i find my purple pen and i hand it to him, earning a bright smile from the boy.

"this is a purple pen!" he smiled looking at the pen.

i laugh and he shoos me away as he was writing. it took him a bit but he finished and closed the book and put the pen down. he turns around and tells me he's finished and i have to read it later.

"why later." i smiled and shook my head.

"because, it's a surprise." he smiles at me.

streamers (karl jacobs x female character)Where stories live. Discover now