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K a r l ' s  P o v

minecraft starts up on the computer i'm using. 3/6 of us are all together and sapnap doesn't know i already met luna.

"are you setting up? why don't i stream so you don't have to worry." sapnap peaks his head into the room i'm in.

"sure! stream on your main and tell everyone that in the discord." i tell him.

he nods and leaves the room. my discord gets a notification and it was from him saying he's gonna go live on his account instead. i feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and i pull it out. a soft smile appears on my face as i message her back.

luna (:
i am so nervous. do you get nervous when you stream? probably not. god i am spooked

karl :]
don't worry! you'll be fine! i'm sure chat will freak out because they don't know who you are but they will love you!

luna (:
i hope so. i know fans can be toxic when a girl enters the environment which is why i'm scared

karl :]
just stay by my side in the game and you'll be okay :D

luna (:
i will, thank you karl

karl :]
anytime luna <3

i smile and set my phone down joining a world sapnap made. this is a 5/5 feral boys stream, plus a new member.. luna.

"ah this will be fun." i join the discord call.

"so L is for lame right?" quackity asks luna.

"no L is for longer than your d-"

"NO. STOP." quackity interrupts her from finishing.

i laugh at their interactions together and they all laugh.

"so fill me in, what are we doing?" luna asks everyone.

"we are gonna speed run minecraft so we will beat the enderdragon in a short amount of time." dream answers her.

"oh god, can i make a house and get you guys food and stuff?" she asks another thing.

"that would be cool!" george says.

"anymore questions?" quackity asks this time.

"okok.. and yes. what's ni- i mean sapnap doing?"

"he's talking to chat first and then he will join the call and we will start. everyone yell when he gets in." i giggle.

everyone agrees and then sapnap joined, 2 seconds later we all start yelling and he joined us.

"k shut up! shut up! we need to introduce our new friend here. chat this is L, she's one of my bestfriends and she's joining the feral boys for a stream today!" sapnap introduces luna.

"hello everyone! i'm L... um i'm not sure what else to say but i'm hoping i don't get absolutely wrecked playing this game with them." she laughs.

you can hear the nervousness in her voice but she did really well!

"let's start!" quackity punches george and they run off.

"L follow me, let's get wood." i say to her.

"okay!" she jumps over and follows me.

"so are we speed running or fucking around?" quackity asks.

streamers (karl jacobs x female character)Where stories live. Discover now