Midnight Poison

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Both of you headed to the small replica of the circus next to it lightheaded. 

Ydris did his hand thing to see the past in the magic ball and it left both of you in shock.....

It shows that when you came back with the groceries you took a small sip of the whiskey to pass time a bit faster. But that sip ended up becoming a whole bottle. You went crazy and hyper like an animal. You were high, like really high.

The next thing you did was run up the Ydris and you kissed him passionately. He happily accepted which turned to a hot make out session but nothing more for now.

Ydris seemed to blush as he was watching yesterdays events. You facepalmed your face with regret but you kept watching the ball to see what happens next.

Somehow you forced Ydris to drink a bottle which he clearly didn't want but your drunk body forced him. After you were both high you got up on your horses and went to a nearby club/cafe. It was Saturday evening meaning it was full and crazy at the time and full of drunk people including you.

You seemed to be holding hands as you rushed through the crowd to get to the counter. You ordered more alcoholic drinks which was a bad idea.

After that you went up on the small stage, you grabbed a microphone and demanded everyone's attention.

You started to sing. You were singing "Why'd you only call me when you're high" by Miley Cyrus.

The crowd went wild because the singing was amazing. You were honestly surprised just watching  this crazy film of yourself on the magic ball.

The next thing both left you and Ydris in shock.

Ydris proposed right after your performance. Worst part is that you accepted it. Both of you were in shock Ydris was blushing lightly , but you ignored him wanting to know more of what happened that night. Considering you just had a performance and that you were in a crowd everyone was congratulating you and Ydris.

You got married in the cafe/club.

Your eyes were wide open just watching all that but there was more.

You both signed the papers in order to get married and somehow someone who loved your performance brought a white expensive dress for you which you got changed into.

There was a random person who married you both. First you were asked "Wil you accept this man to be your husband and bond with him for the rest of your life" . Your high body said "Yes". And the same question was asked to Ydris just instead of 'will you accept this man to be your husband' it was "will you accept this woman to be your wife ". Both of you said Yes with no hesitation what so ever.

You eventually left but before you did the cafe asked for your number due to your singing which attracted many people to come to the cafe/club. You happily gave them the number and left.

Once you were back in the circus Zee and [H/N] were fed and left to do anything their heart desires, both you and Ydris went into the wagon and changed into night clothes . You were both still high but yet exhausted.

The worst you could  think could of happened..happened!

You were on his bed almost asleep until Ydris came in. Both of you were staring at each other with passion and love. Eventually you ended up kissing again and then it happened....you got into it.

As the magic ball was showing details and everything you screamed at Ydris


Ydris did what he was told. He swirled his hands and the ball stopped showing this movie of horror as you liked to describe it.

When both of you came out the tiny tent you both had 50 shades of red on your face.

Ydris was scratching at the back of his head awkwardly with no words in his mouth. You didn't have any words either. The only thing that came to your mind was " I am never drinking again".

" We need to talk about this" You growled

"Okay then , my wife~" he teased. It didn't seem to bother him much.

Your anger was jumping up and down. You wanted to kill him ,but that wouldn't end well would it.

Both of you did your morning routines. You helped Ydris make breakfast for both of you not a word coming from a soul. When you were sat on the table and finished eating. Only one word came from your mouth.

"Divorce... We need to get a divorce".

Ydris' face turned to anger looks like he didn't really want one, he was perfectly satisfied like this.

"Well,well wifey no need to be angry, we are in Jorvik ,yes?" Ydris said with a spark of frustration in his eyes. You simply nodded your head because your were obviously in Jorvik.

"To say this drunk marriage incident happened too much in the past, and to prevent that a rule was made to decrease the amount of divorces per year.  It was that you cannot get one until the marriage reached six months, unless one of the couple is really abusive or something that is a crime" Ydris explained with pure evil in his eyes 

"Also don't even try to accuse me of abuse, we both know that is not true and I can really showed them what happened in the ball as proof, the ball doesn't lie" He warned me.

You looked at him with pure terror in your eyes. You knew you screwed up.

Start Of The End (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now