Cupid screwed up

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The man just stared at you, you were also staring back with eyes of fury. You squinted your eyes trying to get what the man looked.

The man slowly pulled off the hood and it was....Ydris.

Your eyes widened and softened yet kept rage in their eyes. You felt a small vibration through your eyes.

You stared at each other for a good few minuets not wasting another voice on each other.

He started he had an apologetic look in his eyes but also fury and many mixed things you did not know.

"I-i-" he was stumbling not finding the right arrange of words. He hit his for head. Mumbling afterwards " I never felt like this to anyone why can't I find the right words for something I desire, never had troubles getting what i want but this-" he whispered under his breath looking down.

He cleared his throat with tears in eyes or maybe it was the red face with the rain splashing down our faces across our wet wardrobe. 

" I knew you would be here mon cheri, my wife, what ever you want to call it. You hate me I know it but as for me that is different..

Letting you go, betraying you was the worst choice made on earth by anyone, how could have I been so stupid."

He took a deep sigh before continuing 

"Listen [Y/N] ever since you left I couldn't function properly . I HAVE BEEN GOING CRAZY OUT OF MY MIND. I'M NOT OKAY. WHAT TYPE OF DRUG ARE YOU, MY ADDICTION IS TOO HIGH.

He stopped for a few minuets to get his breath back after letting his heart take control of his words.

You were shocked , was it really that bad. His hair was messy and his eyes full of mercy and regret they were twitching of all the anger and love.

Your heart was begging to do something and wanting him back and wanting to give him a passionate kiss and a hug. But your cold blood kept it cold. You stayed silent as a snake watching Ace in the background.

Your heart wanted too look him in the eyes and get lost in them. But you forced your head to keep your emotionless self there but something was exploding in your soul. It wanted to get free the more you held it in the more it was popping out.

You didn't even dare whatever it was. The rain made it more dramatic and sad the moon was there giving the light to you and Ydris.

Ydris took another deep breath as if it was his last one.

"Listen here little dove I need to do one more thing in my life".

He pinned me on the edge of the bridge nowhere to run, no where to hide. It's like your powers were also betraying not even letting a spark.

He forcefully attached his lips on yours. Your tried backing up and but there was nothing he kept going full on like nothing happened.

Your heart was exploding of feelings and emotions. Ydris finally backed up and looked at you with sympathy and more.

Out of no where he sprinted to the end of the bridge and ..JUMPED!

Your heart finally reacted unlike the head that just wanted to stare at his death. Your heart took lead and ran to the edge and jumped along. 

"WAIT NO- DON'T GO!" Your heart screamed with actual words coming out of your mouth.

"NO DON'T DO THIS TO ME I CAN'T HANDLE IT!" Your heart screamed more, Your mind and self were shocked at the action it's like your heart had a mind of it's own.

Your hands blasted something out without a command and you and Ydris were in a room?

Pitch black, with nothing absolutely nothing. Your turned on your flashlight on your phone and still saw nothing beside Ydris and his head burried into his knees. You never saw him in a state like that in fact no one had.

There was an echoing whispering

"Talk soon or your trapped forever in this nightmare time is ticking" The voice was creepy it whispered in a low voice like a warning full of danger.

You pulled up to Ydris and lifted his head with both of your hands on the sides of his hair to see a sobbing sick looking man.

"Ydris...what has gotten into you this is not you." Your voice sounded soothing for once it had emotion for the first time in 3 years.

His gaze was on you still silent , no words just stares of a man who looks like he mentally killed himself.

Wait..this looks like me after Josh, he can't do that to himself I know the feeling, it's like there was a vaccum sucking up his emotions. You thought

"We all make mistakes but you can't put the pressure on yourself, let it go."

Then his face turned into an annoyed one

"LET IT GO?!, LET IT GO?!" he repeated as you just stared.


"Wait.. what do you mean I can't be both my parents are human" Your voice was confusing

" In Pandoria you weren't suffocating for air, you felt stronger. Your eyes turned pink when you were there, yet your eyes again pink when you felt this emotion with me. It is not Pandorian sickness it is being Pandorian." He explained with anger , with hope and more fury.

Now that explains the vibration in your eyes that explains the purple flame in Pandoria, THAT EXPLAINS THE RAGE LOOK, IT ALSO EXPLAINS WHY YOU NEVER SAW YOUR DAD.

your head was rushing with emotions. It all cut out when Ydris put a hand on your shoulder.

"Wonder why you couldn't just let me kill myself? I know your head was fighting it but a heart of a Pandorian in pure and loyal, once a Pandorian experiences true love the heart doesn't leave it no matter how much the head fights. That's why normally they don't remarry because the heart belongs to another, Your mind and heart seems equal due to being a mix but your heart spoke stronger, see this is why I couldn't let go my heart got the best of me" He explained why everything was happening.

It is like all your questions where solved just like that.

The pitch blackness disappeared and you were on the back on the bridge. Ace was further down grazing waiting like he knew you'd return.

You looked down at Ydris who's face was still pouring with the rain, he was sitting there careless of the weather.

He stood up and grabbed your hand and asked

" Is all I want too much to ask?" He sounded like he was hopeless and all the happiness had left for good.

You held his hand and hugged his arm leading him to get Ace.

Ydris and you were in complete tears and headed to the circus. He let Ace in the warm circus with Zee waiting for him.

You and Ydris went to the wagon changed separately and went into bed. When you were in bed no words again just staring. After an hour which seemed like forever you were lost in his eyes staring with passion.

================================================================================ A/N: woah longest chapter so far. Sorry to announce won't be updating for a little bit but I'll be back in not long just I need some ideas and im kinda busy at the moment so yeah but eventually i'll be back

Also do you want smut in the next chapter?

I need answers so Uh write want you want

Start Of The End (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now