Oh, Ace

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It was a few months after the whole Pandoria thing. You were in your normal state.

Anne was finally saved and you even got along really well the sisterhood in finally united! You were also back to your dearest [H/N]. Everything was normal and you were happy but yet something felt missing you did not know what.

Sometimes at night you couldn't sleep because it was bugging you, you needed and wanted to know.

You stopped your contact with Chip due to what has happened, rarely you talked but it just gets more and more awkward. 

In general you were satisfied with life. The Druid meetings were less frequent since everything was fine and you had more free time.

You hanged out with the girls sometimes but most of the time when you did not you didn't know what to do.

It was another boring day so you decided to make a whole trip visiting parts of Jorvik. You first planned eating in Fort Pinta then heading with the Ferry to Epona and well see where it takes you from there.

You went to get [H/N] from the stables but something wasn't right.

"Hey girl/boy you okay, I planned a nice ride for us around Jorvik but I don't think it's a good idea." You asked with worry 

"I'm okay , just have a little ache in the stomach, it's probably because I ate something earlier but it's ok ill be good as new by tomorrow " He/she reassured he/she was okay just a matter of time.

You patted your dearest [H/N] and left off. You went to a nearby stables, you still wanted a ride and those stables knew you really well because that's where you learned to ride.

The Girl in charge was names Amelia she was an old yet nice lady.

"Hey Amelia" You said cheerfully with enthusiasm

"Oh dear [Y/N] I haven't seen you since well forever" The old lady smiled

" So [H/N] is not feeling too well so I wanted to ask if there is any horse that needs a ride that hasn't been out lately, I don't mind a stubborn one they would also need a ride " You honestly did not care what horse you got you wanted to go exploring.

" Actually there is a new horse arrived a week ago, when we viewed him he was perfect and a few riders tested him, but ever since he arrived it's been a mess. Maybe give him stretch but remember he is a stubborn one. He was supposed to be a lesson horse since we are low on them but yeah.."

"Anyways He is in The stables , and we call him  Ace , you should find him if you are wondering about his breed it's a  trakehner." Amelie smiled and led me to his stall.

"Okay then I'll see you later" You smiled as you were just going to go to the horse

"Oh honey, you can keep him for a few days until [H/N]'s better, I'm sure his behavior will improve as you ride him". She added that just before she left.

When you found Ace' stall, oh god he was stunning. Perfect mane and a black and white coat pattern.

You tried giving him a pat but he snorted it away. 

"Well, we'll see how you like me later" You gazed at the horse.

You found his tack in the tack room and went back into his stall. You gently placed the saddle pad and saddle above it, you attached the girth to it and started to tighten it.  

He bit a piece of your shirt in return as he swinged his head back into place with pinned ears. You ignored and continued tightening until it was right.

Now the bridle, you approached his head which was sky high. You forced the bit into his mouth and latched everything as it is supposed to look.

Before you took off to Fort Pinta you gave him a test ride in the arena to get a basic idea of how he is.

He was generally okay but occasionally bucked and a few time when you commanded for a canter he rears instead .

When you figured out his acts  you slowly yet carefully headed to Fort Pinta.

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