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You made it with Ace all the way to Fort Pinta. Ace eventually gave up on getting you out of the saddle even tho he tried every now and the, he finally figured it's too hard to get you out.

You stopped at the caffe and grabbed a quick snack and a drink. You rested a bit before you left because you had quite an adventure ahead of you.

You got back up on Ace and went on the Ferry from Fort Pinta to South Hoof. You always looked South Hoof, such a calm place with greenery and freedom.

"Isn't this place nice Ace ?" 

The sun was still up just about to go into a sunset. 

Clicking your heels onto Ace asking for a Gallop across South Hoof. The wind, the freedom it felt so good.

Ace was also having it he stopped trying to get you out he just let himself enjoy it. Looks like he just wanted a good stretch after all.

Eventually you were at New Hillcrest the Sun was falling in a sunning Sunset. The Pink horizon filled the sky.

From New Hillcrest all the way to Greendale you explored and was astonished with all the new things you learned it was just different than your routine.

"Ace we gotta do this way more often, [H/N] isn't a big fan of all day rides" You giggled remembering when you took [H/N] last time going from Starshine to Dundull and too Wilwoods then too Firgrove.

When you were at Greendale the sky was pitch black with stars lighting it. You walked across the greenery and then you saw lit up Fireflies. It was beautiful. 

"Well, this is a nice memory why not get a pic of it"You snatched your phone out of your pocket and snapped a good picture.

Since there was a long way too Valedale you played your song on your phone.

Light rain started too fall. Just making the night magical.

"Well I hope the rain doesn't get too rough...." You hoped

You made it to Wolf Hall In and by the time you were there the rain was blasting even hurting your skin.

Wolf Hall Inn was closed and the closest place was Moorland across the bridge it would be good if you stayed the the night.

You phone started buzzing and it was Amelia probably to check how you were with the heavy rain and Ace.

"Hey [Y/N] I hope you are alright, because the rain right now is heavy and hard, I read there might be a storm tonight".

"Oh don't worry Amelie I'm totally fine. Ace at the beginning was acting up but now he's an absolute angel. I'm planning at staying at Moorland for the night probably the best idea.

"Sounds [Y/N]] I'll see you in a few days take good care of yourself and Ace".

"Okay, Amelie sure will do Bye now."

And the line ended.

You were going to go over the bridge and in your sight was a circus. You felt hatred disgust and something what you did not know what it was, perhaps love?

Your mind was like a foreign land.

There was someone at the bridge just staring into the moon. You thought -who just stands there during a rain that basically stabs you.- Could it be-

No, no my mind is playing games he isn't that stupid. And ayo up there we don't think about shits like that" You told your mind and gave yourself a mental slap.

You walked across the bridge careful of every move Ace made. The tall man was in a coat not moving a muscle as You and Ace walked by.

You stared but but your eyes back on the road ahead. You peeked back but the man wasn't there......

Strange you thought to yourself...

Then you felt something push you off Ace and it was the coated man.

"Yo Man what the fuck?!" You yelled at him.

================================================================================A/N: Sorry for not having Ydris in the last few chapters but yeah I hoped you enjoyed <3.

Start Of The End (Ydris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now