Chapter 47

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I found myself sitting next to Collin in his car, two minutes later. I was trying to catch my breath after the sprint towards the parking lot. Matt, Mike and Harry were cramped on the backseat. They were panting just as loud as I was.

I wished that Jolene would've tagged along, but if there's one person who could postpone a major event it was her. Annette stayed at the hotel as well, trying to help Jolene the best she could.

Collin started to tell me want had happened for the fifth time. But everytime I asked, it became a shorter version.

"I already told you, Beth. He was just walking around looking at the sky, before he suddenly walked into a cafe. I waited outside, but it took way too long. Then I saw a few people running out of the door screaming. So, I went inside to look for Benny. Before, I could reach him, Benny and Townes were pinned to the ground by the police. After that I raced straight to the hotel." He said irritated.

"But why didn't you..." I started in the same tone.

"There was nothing I could do Beth! Discussion over. We're almost there anyway."

I leaned back in the car seat with a groan. But I immediately fired back up, when I saw the two words, Police station, on a large building. How in the world did we get here?

We rushed from the car inside the station. Matt and Mike were calling out for Benny, like that would help. My neck hurted from looking around me this much, but I did it anyway. I checked every person that walked by, as I paced towards the receptionist.

"How can I help you?" She said with high pitch voice.

"I'm looking for Benny Watts. He just came in?" I said, trying not to scream.

"I will ask. Give me one second, please. You can wait over there. And if you're thirsty or hungry, you can some food in that room around the corner. And if you need to pee..."

"I'll find it." I cut her of.

She looked at me shocked for a second before she forced her receptionist smile back on her face.

"Alright then." She said and walked into the back room.

I ran back to the boys, who were standing next to a water cooler, drinking one cup after another.

"What did she say?" Harry asked. "Did she know where he is?"

"She said that we have wait."

They all nodded towards me and focused their attention back on the water cooler.

I looked at my watch. It said 13:39. "Fuck." I whispered.

Collin walked over to me and offered me a plastic cup of water. "No thanks." I said, as I checked if the receptionist had returned for the ninth time.

Collin groaned. "Drink up, you puked this morning. You can't help Benny when you're laying on the ground from dehydration."

I rolled my eyes at him, but took the cup anyway. The water did feel good on my sandpaper like tongue. But, I almost threw half of it away, when I saw that the woman had returned.

"Any news?" I asked.

"An officer is coming to talk to you."

"Can you please ask them to hurry. We really need to be somewhere in less than half an hour. If you could ask him if we could come back tomorrow then..."

"An officer is coming to talk to you." She repeated with her fake-smile on her face.

"Bitch." I said as I stood next to rest again. They all looked at me confused. "Somebody's coming to talk to us or whatever. We need to get Benny and run out of here."

Haircut (Beth Harmon X Benny Watts)Where stories live. Discover now