S4 • E14 - You Keep Using That Word

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Blood Gulch/Blue Base
Church was busy admiring the motorcycle (The Ghost), and the warthog after getting it from the reds while Shadow was standing with them.

Church: "Look at this Sheila, this, is a thing, of beauty, what I have here. I am amazed."

Sheila: "Whatever."

Church: "We have got every single vehicle in this canyon. We are unstoppable. This is- I have my own fleet. I have my own fleet of cars."

Shadow: "Lucky you,"

Sheila: "Three vehicles and only one guy to drive them. Big deal."

Church: "No the important thing is that they don't have any vehicles to... hey is there a problem here?"

Sheila: "Problem? Why would there be a problem?"

Church: "Ah-sh-e-a, I don't know. You just seem uh... you know... agitated."

Sheila: "You think I'm agitated."

Church: Well uh- I- I didn't mean, well I- I didn't mean-

Sheila: "No, it was your word. Agitated. You said "You sure seem agitated, Sheila." So I guess that means I'm agitated. Don't I seem agitated, Church?"

Shadow: "Uh..." She slowly walks back.

Church: "I'm just, I'm just saying you seem a little, upset."

Sheila: "Oh- so now I'm upset. Which is it Church, am I agitated or am I upset?"

Church: "I don't, I mean I don't really- I could, I could go get a dictionary."

Sheila: "Why would I be upset?"

Church: "Uh, I don't-"

Sheila: "Well, would you be upset if I got a bunch more blue guys to come hang around and help me?"

Church: "Well actually there, are, three other guys on the squad."

Shadow: "Four if you count me."

Sheila: "Exactly. This isn't a parking lot Church, it's a team, a family. Are we just supposed to forget everything we've been through?"

Church: "Right, including the time that you killed me."

Sheila: "How about, if I suddenly decided, I wasn't the Blue team's tank? What if today, I'm feeling just a little bit red."

Church: "They're just cars, Sheila."

Shadow: "I don't think that was the right choice of words."

Sheila: "I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that."

Church: "Hey is there like a... jealousy, setting, somewhere on you that I can you know... turn off?"

Sheila: "Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Snow Temple
Crunch Bite was holding the Andy during the battle

Andy: "Tucker, use the key and open the gate!"

Tucker: Key, what key? I don't have a key!

Crunch Bite: "Wharrh."

Andy: "Your sword! Use the sword!"

Tucker: "Oh God, the sword is a key? Just when I thought this couldn't get any lamer."

Tucker strikes the hologram with the key, opening the gate to reveal a vehicle.

Red vs Blue x Male OC / Season 4Where stories live. Discover now