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i see Omegle videos on my YouTube recommended every time. The people there are toxic most of the time. And it's.. disgusting. But my friend tried it out and posted on his whatsapp status (who tf uses whatsapp status-)  that it was a nice experience. as an introvert , i want to try it but i don't want to at the same time.

It's hard being an introvert. I'm only close to my friends. So i don't really mix around with some of the juniors and I don't know A WHOLE LOT OF THEM.

im afraid i might meet uneducated racist rats if i use a omegle..

Today i met Wooyoung at the school cafeteria and he was busy eating like a starving wildlife creature.

"Woo , i wanna try using omegle" i told him.

He almost spit out his food.

"YEOSAN- no! You know there are bitchy people on that platform!! I don't want your feelings to be hurt by them.."

"why do you care-"

"and why are you asking that. if you think i won't care, you don't need to tell me that you want to try it!"

"What is this, a merry go round?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Wooyoung. I really want to meet someone! And plus I'm always jealous that you have Seonghwa as your boyfriend. I mean, I can't believe Seonghwa chose you when I literally exist-"

"Ugh then go try it! your love life does not involve me at all!"

"you're right... gotta go, BYE!"


I saw that he was eating his food angrily now and i was laughing.


I opened up my laptop and went to the website for omegle. i started my video and then it was loading. I really couldn't wait. Then, a boy appeared on the camera and he squinted his eyes at me.

"Are you a girl?!" He said.

"No. I'm a guy. How old are you?!"


And then the young boy skipped me. Rude. Just cause i had clearer skin than he did, he says that ?? disgusting creature. i skipped many people. there were people who were nice too. but they weren't my type. after many skips , i stopped at a guy who had a pretty built body. he looked awfully handsome.

"hey" the guy spoke up

oh my god his voice is so fucking attractive i almost melted.

"i am um, hi."


"I'm your- i mean, I'm Yeosang"

"Yeosang? I'm Jongho."

"Uh.. where do you live?"

"I'm from Korea. But I'm overseas for a long time"

"thats cool"

"whats up?"

"it's my first time on omegle and..i skipped a lot of people cause I'm not interested in them, haha..."

"So you're interested in me?"

"WHAT- no!"


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