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I went back outside and Seonghwa was still losing it.

"D-did he seriously say that to you?!" Seonghwa asked.

"Don't ask! I'm heading to the campus to collect some stuff for the students coming back to Yonsei from the United States. They're coming back after 2 years."

"Students from the United States? What are they doing there for 2 whole years?"

"They're supposed to explore and dig deeper about the United States for a year and only students-juniors or seniors-who are interested can do that. You can't do it just because your friends are going. You have to be genuinely interested."

"Ahh, i see. Then can I follow you??"


"But I'm your favouriteeee."

".. both you and Wooyoung are my favourite. anyway, still no."


"Oh yeah, where is Wooyoung by the way?"

"He went to visit his mum for a while."

"Okay, I'll see you later.."


I stepped out of our home and walked to the campus. The teacher assigned me to make a welcome banner for the students coming back and hang it up outside on the school entrance gate two weeks later. I had a lot of time so I'll make the banner tomorrow. Or maybe even later.

I showed the security guard my ID and he asked what I was here for.

"I have to collect the things needed for the welcome banner two weeks later." I explained

"Oh right, the students in the U.S. are coming back! You can go in. Have a good day, Yeosang."

"Thanks mister!"

I rush to the arts room and see the class chair waiting for me.

"Hey! I'm here." I told her.

"About time. Anyway, here's the plain banner and the paints tubes we bought. If you ever run out of supply, you can always come back to the school and ask Mdm Lee"

"Awesome. Thanks Somi!"

"You're welcome- Oh, Daehwi !! Over here!"

"I'll get going for now."

I was holding the bag full of things for the welcoming. I assume that the banners is one of the most important things. As I walked , I stopped to see the photos of the students coming back. My eyes darted around and I saw someone familiar. I was just about to figure out who it was until Wooyoung called me. I pull out my phone and rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked

"Ugh, rude! Anyway, I just finished visiting my mum. Should we go out shopping?"

"Shopping for what, exactly"


"Clothes for what"

"Havent you heard? Once the students come back, we're having a party at the beach. So we can get to know our juniors and seniors!"

"Huh. I guess I'll go. But don't you have to ask permission from your Seonghwa first?"

"I'll tell him later. You heading home now?"

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